Chicago Metra Rail Line: A Review

I ride the train every day to work. I live out in the far west suburbs of Chicago and commute to my office in downtown Chicago at least about two hundred forty days a year. My choices to getting to work consist of either taking the train or Metra rail line or by driving my car into the city every day. I made the quick decision to ride the rail as I did not want to experience the bumper to bumper grind of traffic jams as well as wear and tear on my already aging sedan. The train commute occurs on the Chicago Metra Union Pacific West Line which connects the West Loop of Chicago with the far reaches of Kane County, Illinois. The train ride definitely has it positive and negative attributes.

First of all riding the rail with Metra is a whole lot more comfortable than sitting in the car. As a passenger in the rail car it is a comfort leaving the driving to someone else as I am able to sip my coffee, read the paper, or complete work on my laptop. I enjoy the ride and the ability to get numerous things done before I get to work or return home. The ride also allows me to clear my mind and do some really constructive thinking which would be very challenging to do driving home on the expressway during rush hour.

Review of Metra Rail: Cost Analysis

The price of riding the metra is quite expensive. The train cost of going from my hometown to Chicago is $155 for a monthly pass. That cost does not include the additional bus fare and parking fee I have to pay in addition. The parking fee is associated with my parking space at the train station in my home town. Add this all together and it totals to about $220 for the month.. That is a bitter pill to swallow but I also consider it the cost of doing business or earning my salary.

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The cost of taking my car into work every day would be even more daunting. I would have to pay about $10 per day in gas multiplied by 250 working days which would be $2500 annually or about $208 per month. That estimate is based on current gas prices in my area hovering around $2.70 per gallon and my automobile being not that fuel efficient. It is clear that a four cylinder or hybrid model will yield much lower costs. My analysis quickly shows that the train commuting is just a bit more than the commuting by car, but the real savings occurs with lower maintenance and upkeep on the car since there is not any significant miles being added.

Review of Metra Rail: Unpredictables

The cost of riding the train does not just stop at my monthly ticket purchase. Commuters of the metra must also have to contend with a host of unforeseen occurrences such as train delays, mechanical failure, and annoying passengers sitting next to your seat. The delays and mechanical failures appear maybe just a few times throughout the year, but annoying commuters are a weekly occurrence. Annoying comes in many shapes and sizes such as loud cell phone talkers, offensive body odor, and occasionally drunk and belligerent riders. If that isn’t enough to content with, one must also consider the possibility of getting contaminated by an infected person sneezing and coughing away in your rail car.

Review of Metra Rail: Overall Recommendation

Overall, I recommend using the Metra rail to any man or woman taking a job in the city and looking for a good alternative to driving the daily commute. The real value is preservation of your car’s odometer in addition to having some time in your passenger seat to really think and get things done that you might not typically have the time for.