Chain RXN on Facebook Review, Hints

Chain RXN on facebook is a quick action game with a sweet little melody that is soothing. The objective of Chain RXN is to get a good size chain of little colored circles to explode on to each other. This game on Facebook is a nice way to relax and relieve stress.

The object of round one of Chain RXN is to get one out of five balls to attach and explode. Your courser has your first ball. When the game begins, you will see tiny colored circles floating around in the black background. A player will need to get at least one ball to touch it and explode to win that round and proceed to the next one.

Once the player gets the one small circle to attach and explode the player wins that round. The next round has two balls to must attach to move on. The player will have five balls for the first few levels of Chain RXN so it is a bit harder to get it to attach.

However just make sure to put the courser among a group and it will attach and explode. The first ball that attaches and explodes onto the starter white circle will earn 100 points, and then 800 points and it progresses upwards.

You accumulate points for each colored circle that explodes on the others. The best way to win Chain RXN of course is to make sure to put your first white orb near a little dot and it will attach.

As the player progresses through the twelve levels of the game, more small colored circles appear per level. Of course, with more balls your first reaction will be it is easier to win a round. This is not necessarily true as the amount of balls that needs to connect and explode also climbs rapidly.

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Level 1 match 1 out of 5 balls

Level 2 match 2 out of 10 balls

Level 3 match 4 out of 15 balls

Level 4 match 6 out of 20 balls

Level 5 match 10 out of 25 balls

Level 6 match 15 out of 30 balls

Level 7 match 18 out of 35 balls

Level 8 match 22 out of 40 balls

Level 9 match 30 out of 45 balls

Level 10 match 37 out of 50 balls

Level 11 match 48 out of 55 balls

Level 12 match 54 out of 60 balls

To beat a later round it is much better to place your white orb in the midst of a large collection of colored balls. In the higher levels the faster, the balls explode the more music you hear. This music sounds like a music box and is quite soothing.

Some people say the best way to win at this game is to wait for a sting of colored circles coming from one area and place your orb in the way. The idea is to have this long string run into your orb and explodes upon it to get massive amounts of points. I usually just place my orb in the middle of the screen near colored dots and let others hit it. I love it when I have a few different areas on the screen exploding with color.