Causes, Symptoms and Known Triggers of Rosacea

A common skin condition that many of us suffer from is Rosacea. It is a long term chronic skin condition that is incurable but treatments are available to keep the symptoms at bay. People suffering from Rosacea can also stay away from the symptoms by avoiding the known triggers. Rosacea mainly affects the face and the common symptoms are flushing and persistent redness.

Causes of Rosacea

Dermatologists are yet to find the exact cause of Rosacea. But, it is believed to be related to a number of factors.

Possible causes

  • Abnormalities in blood vessels. Symptoms – flushing, persistent redness and visible blood vessels are believed to be the result of abnormalities in blood vessels.
  • Demodex folliculorum. A tiny mite that lives on human skin and usually do no harm.
  • Helicobacter Pylori. Helicobacter Pylori bacteria live in our digestive system and are believed to stimulate production of a protein called Bradykinin. Bradykinin causes the blood vessels to expand abnormally.
  • Chemicals and foods. Caffeine, alcohol, spicy food and medicines like steroids, vitamin B-6, B-12 often trigger flushing in Rosacea patients.
  • Inherited from genes. Rosacea is believed to run in families.


Triggers of Rosacea

There are certain things that trigger Rosacea symptoms or worsen them. However, the triggers seem to vary from people to people. Common triggers of Rosacea are,

Symptoms of Rosacea

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Common symptoms of Rosacea are,

  • Flushing. Facial skin turning red is known as flushing and an episode of flushing can last for five minutes. Many Rosacea patients get this symptom as early as in childhood. Sometimes chest and neck can also turn red and the patient might get an unpleasant feeling of heat.
  • Persistent redness on face. It is the most common sign of Rosacea. It may appear like sunburn that does not go away or like blotchy skin similar to what appears on heavy drinker’s face. The redness mainly appears on cheek, nose and chin.
  • Visible blood vessels. The medical name of this symptom is Telangiectasia. This starts with the inflammation of blood vessels on the skin surface which eventually turns dilated and visible permanently.
  • Papules and Pustules. These spots may appear on face similar to teenage acne. And the facial skin may turn dry and scaly.
  • Eye irritation. More than 50% of Rosacea patients experience this symptom. Patients may feel like there is something in their eyes, may develop sensitivity to light and experience irritated and bloodshot eyes.
  • Other symptoms include stinging sensation on face, swollen face and red patches on skin.

Rosacea is a chronic disease and the symptoms will worsen and go away from time to time. This skin condition is incurable but there are creams and oral medicines available that will keep the symptoms at bay. Moreover, avoiding known triggers will also keep you safe from Rosacea symptoms.