Causes of Lower Abdominal Pain in Early Pregnancy

Are in your first trimester of pregnancy, and experiencing pain in your lower abdomen? Cramping is common in early pregnancy. but it’s still reasonable to be concerned– or at least wary– any time you feel lower abdominal pain. If your pain is severe, consult your midwife or obstetrician promptly. Mild lower abdominal pain is usually not a sign of a serious complication, but mention it at your next visit if you are concerned.

Here are some of the most common causes of lower abdominal pain in early pregnancy.


Implantation, when a blastocyst settles into the lining of your uterus, occurs about 2 weeks after conception– usually around the same time that you would expect to have your period. This pain may last for a week or more and may be fairly intense at times. Cramping from implantation is usually not a reason to be concerned, but severe cramping at this stage may signal a complication. Talk to your health care provider if you are concerned.

Ectopic Pregnancy

Severe lower abdominal pain early in pregnancy may be a sign of ectopic pregnancy, which occurs when a blastocyst implants outside the womb. The pain is usually severe and may be focused on a single side of the lower abdomen. If you do not get immediate medical help, you are likely to experience life-threatening or fatal consequences. Ectopic pregnancy is relatively rare, but seek medical attention if you suspect that it is the cause of your lower abdominal pain during early pregnancy.


Miscarriage is most common during the first trimester, and it is a possible cause of lower abdominal pain during early pregnancy. If you experience severe cramping, especially if it is accompanied by bleeding or spotting, call your doctor or midwife promptly. If you are having a miscarriage, your health care provider may be able to prevent potential complications. A threatened miscarriage can sometimes be prevented with specific life-saving measures to preserve the life of the unborn baby.

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Molar Pregnancy

Miscarriage-like symptoms can also be associated with a molar pregnancy, which occurs when a fertilized egg develops into a nonviable clump of tissue instead of a baby. Symptoms of molar pregnancy include bleeding, spotting, and faste
r-than-normal abdominal swelling. Although the emotional effects of molar pregnancy are similar to miscarriage, there is only a placenta or a severely malformed mass of cells. It’s still important to get an expert evaluation if you show symptoms of molar pregnancy. If left untreated, it can cause life-threatening complications for the mother.

Digestive Upset

It’s possible that your lower abdominal pain has nothing to do with your pregnancy. You may be experiencing pain from a digestive problem, such as constipation, gas, infection, anxiety, food allergy or irritable bowel syndrome. This type of lower abdominal pain does not signal a pregnancy complication, but it’s a good idea to mention it to your health care provider if it concerns you.

Any time you feel lower abdominal pain during early pregnancy, it’s a good idea to talk to your practitioner. She can either provide treatment for complications or reassure you that your pregnancy is progressing normally.

Source Used- Personal experience; mother and doula.