Careers for Graduates with a Degree in Interior Design

Graduates with a degree in interior design enter a job market in which career openings can be found in every state, in small towns and large urban centers. In fact, graduates with a degree in interior design are likely to discover careers available without having to relocate. Even within a limited geographic area the variety of careers suitable for graduates with a degree in interior design is considerable. With lots to choose from and little distance to travel, graduates with a degree in interior design will find that their talent and training will be the key to landing their dream job.

Interior designer Many graduates with a degree in interior design pursue careers in precisely that field. According to the demand in the local market, graduates may decide to take the safer economic route and sign on with an established design firm which can provide ready clientèle and secure income. Those graduates with a degree in interior design who can manage the financial hurdles of working independently may decide to take a risk and go it alone. Either way choosing a career as an interior designer or interior decorator is the most direct application of degree work to job for graduates with a degree in interior design.

Landscape Designer Occasionally graduates with a degree in interior design feel a real calling to apply what they have learned in four years of undergraduate work to the world outside the box and outside the walls by becoming a landscape designer. There is enough cross over technique to make this career path possible, though some specific training with a view to work in the outdoors may be necessary.

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In the United States today two housing shifts seem evident especially in the suburbs. There is a trend toward larger homes and to more stylized lots. Graduates with a degree in interior design, according to their career path, can find employment in either area.

Set Design Graduates with a degree in interior design may also be packing a flair for the dramatic. Interest in the theater, movies or televisions combined with credentialed skills in interior design can lead some graduates with a degree in interior design toward careers in set design. Not everyone has an Academy Award or Emmy in their future , but set design is an exciting offshoot of interior design that can allow graduates with a degree in interior design to connect their talent with their love of drama.

Vocational School Teacher Throughout the United States many high school aged students take the option of attending vocational schools rather than the more traditional academic high school. Vocational schools provide general education with concentration in those specialty areas that help young people prepare for entry level jobs upon graduation. There are positions available in vocational schools for graduates with a degree in interior design to teach design related high school level classes. Teaching positions of course require not just an appropriate degree and teaching certification but also patience and the ability to discipline and work well with teens. The rewards include reliable salary and benefits and summers off in which interior designers can pursue other interests.

Floral Design Not surprisingly some graduates with a degree in interior design decide to take the design principles they have acquired and apply them in the more limited area of floral design. Working as a designer in a floral studio or shop may be the first step to managing or designing in one’s own shop. The flower business can certainly by pressure filled as most work is time sensitive and always the customer must ultimately be pleased in order to return with more business at some time in the future. Despite the pressure floral design can be an enjoyable career which offers a good living and an ongoing outlet for creative activity.

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Exhibit Designer Department stores , hotels, convocation centers and many other large scale corporate and commercial venues seek the services of graduates with a degree in interior design capable of creatively filling display and exhibit space. Large companies and institutions often employ in house exhibit designers while smaller groups may simply hire free lance designers. For graduates with a degree in interior design this kind of work may mean working under a deadline and finding that occasionally your creativity must yield to commercial interests. However, according to the size and success of your company, exhibit design work may lead to high end salaries, benefits and wide spread exposure of your work.

In our free enterprise economy, graduates with a degree in interior design will find themselves in a favorable position according to the level of talent they possess and can translate effectively in the business world.