Career Options in Holistic Health Care

The health care field is ever changing and the demand for professionals is growing at an intense rate. So many people have long dreamed of becoming a healer or those who aid in the healing process but sadly there are numerous individuals who never chase that dream and launch their career. Several reasons can be behind this of course, like; what career option is right, the length of schooling it would take to realize that goal, and whether or not a person has a deep understanding of the type of health care career they intend to pursue.

First, let me start by giving you a basic run down of what the term ‘holistic health care’ means. Holistic health care is a term to describe several branches of the health care field, not just one. ‘Holistic’ is actually derived from the word ‘holism’ and this means to recognize that there are a lot of elements involved with a person’s make up and healing process. It is not as cold as “these are the symptoms so take this prescription and let’s hope for the best.” It is a deeper study of all the body’s working parts and discovering the true culprit.

In our society today we tend to think that prescription drugs are the answer to everything, unfortunately it is only sending us into a downward spiral and taking our health with it. The holistic approach has been used in several civilizations all over the world, and successfully I might add. It takes into consideration every single aspect of a body to ultimately discover the true ailment behind the symptoms. So, if this is a career option you would like to learn more about and get into to better the world then this article is exactly what you need to read.

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Holistic Health Care: Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture, acupressure, among other avenues of holistic health care in this regard is always in high demand. There is no doubt that these types of medicinal options work as studies have long proven the accuracy in healing countless problems in the human body. But how does one go about gaining a career in this holistic area?

This is a very involved education process as a person must become educated Chinese ways. They must learn about essential skills such as: academic, technical, physical agility, sensitivity, knowledge of herbs, Chinese terminology, and much more. There are courses throughout the U.S. alone that offer two year programs and a bachelor’s degree for this line of work.

A Typical salary for a year is approximately $25,000- $75,000 but the longer you are in practice and the more reputable you become the salary goes up considerably to more than $90,000.

Holistic Health Care: Chiropractic

This holistic health care style is a more common practice. It is also without a doubt a life saving medical career that needs more good doctors to help carry on this way of healing. This non-surgical, non-invasive, drug-free way to help align your spine does so much more than relieve back pain.

Chiropractic care is a shining example of the holistic health care approach. When a spine is out of alignment nerves get pinched. When these nerves are squeezed they are unable to give blood and nourishment to the proper organs. Major organ failure can result in these cases if untreated. There are so many medical conditions that can be eliminated through this holistic form of health care.

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After taking approximately 4-5 years of college to learn all about the body, the average chiropractor can earn anywhere from $50,000-$118,000 a year. With the flexible working conditions this has to be one of the best careers to get into.

Holistic Health Care: Herbalists

Taking herbs for the conditions that ail you is probably the most popular of the holistic ways of healing. Herbalism is gaining ground rapidly because of the overwhelming successes that have occurred. An ancient practice that has warded off serious health problems and cured countless others is responsible in part for the healthy and nutritional outlook that has embraced our society.

But as with all things, knowledge is mandatory if you are going to gain trust from those afflicted with serious issues. A study of plants, their various names, possible reactions, the medicinal qualities each herb or plant possesses. There is no real mandate for what type of education is needed. Obviously, the more extensive your comprehension, the more trusted you become, the more clients you get and the better pay you will receive.

Holistic Health Care: More Options to Choose From

Several more options are available in holistic health care careers; from dentistry to massage to midwifery. Depending on your particular desires and interests you can begin your new rewarding career in holistic health care at any point in time. There are always needs and facilities looking for those people to fulfill those needs.