Career Change Resume Tips

Is your resume ready for your new career change? It is important that when you decide to change career paths that your resume reflects that. You cannot simply use the resume that you have previously used, because it will not highlight correctly what you have to offer to an employer. You may be passed over for a job position because your resume does not seem like a right fit for what they are looking for, even if you do actually have the right qualifications. You have to prove that you are the person they are looking for. Learn how to write a career change resume. Here are some career change resume tips:


Honestly, you are going to have to reformat your resume from your previous employment if you want a new career change. So your first step is to restructure your resume. Look at what you previously have on your resume and try to reorganize that information. The key is to take what you have already succeeded in, and make it work for you in your new career change. New profession equals new resume.


Your objective or mission statement should always be changed. It was good for your previous job, but now it needs to updated. Look at the type of job you are applying for. Then make your objective statement slant towards what your future employer would like. It should be a truthful statement. You can change your objective as many times as you want per jobs that you are applying for. Just make a new objective focusing on what you new job qualifications would be.

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Whatever type of resume you choose to write, the best tip is to always make sure that your skills are shown. Your skills are probably what will get your resume noticed. Show your abilities and knowledge, particularly on how it relates to your new career path. You really want to emphasize this on your resume. Make sure your qualifications for your new job stand out. Pick at least five skills that you have that will be good for your future career.

Combination Resume

There are many different kinds of templates that a person can use to format their resume. The best bet for a career change resume probably would be the combination resume. This is where you focus your resume on both your skills and your past employment. It lets you list your skills before focusing on previous employment. This is perfect for people who are making career changes.


If you are making a career change because of a new change in your education, you may want to highlight that in your new resume. For example, you may have gotten a new college degree in an area that your new employment would love. You will want your education to be a focus on your resume. Education is usually put at the end of the resume. However, you may want to move it right under the skills section of your resume. Whatever new career change you make, make sure that you have a great career change resume.