Candy Review: Skittles Chocolate Mix

One day I craved a chocolate snack while waiting for the mechanic to fix my car. The only choice I had at the repair shop was Skittles Chocolate Mix. I would have preferred M&Ms;, but I figured all bite-sized chocolate pieces were the same. Sometimes it is fun to be proven wrong. Other times being proven wrong leaves a strange aftertaste in my mouth that I would rather not experience again.

Colors and Flavors

The motto of Skittles is “Taste the rainbow” and follows through with brightly colored candy pieces with five fruity flavors matching the colors such as cherry red and lime green. While the matching of colors to chocolate flavors is accurate, the colors of Skittles Chocolate Mix looks represent the colors of the dirt spectrum. On one end representing the absence of chocolate is white vanilla. Slightly less white is s’mores flavored. Chocolate caramel is the middle Skittle that comes in brown. A darker brown represents chocolate pudding. At the other end representing a flavor chock full of chocolate is black brownie batter. For someone used to bright vibrant colors, Skittles Chocolate Mix looks dark and dull. But it is reasonable because chocolate comes in such dark colors. If chocolate came in bright colors like red or green, people would either suspect something was wrong or mistake them for M&Ms.; Since the purpose of candy is to eat rather than judge on its appearance, I plunged in for a taste test.


For better or worse, the vanilla Skittle tasted like a chewy vanilla candy. The mellow vanilla flavor is not overpowering. The main complaint is that the vanilla flavor does not belong in a chocolate mix because it has no chocolate flavor at all.

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S’mores are the campfire treat of melted chocolate and toasted marshmallow sandwiched between graham crackers. Such a delicate trio of flavors is hard to replicate into a bite-sized candy and this Skittle follows in the tradition of failure. It tastes nothing like chocolate, marshmallow, or graham cracker and more like a chewy piece of sugary tar.

Chocolate Caramel

The chewy consistency of caramel was present in the Skittle and it tasted like caramel. Unfortunately, the chocolate flavor is too subtle to notice. If Mars decided to sell these candies as bite-sized caramel chews, I would say these were decent candies. But its lack of chocolate flavor makes it a poor choice in a chocolate themed candy mix.

Chocolate Pudding

My bag of Skittles Chocolate Mix did not have any of these candies. I do not know whether this was out of randomness or Skittles decided not to release this flavor, but I do not intend to buy another bag to taste test this flavor.

Brownie Batter

Brownie batter was the most numerous of the bunch. I could not taste brownie in this Skittle. It tasted more like Tootsie Rolls; another brand of chewy candy resembling chocolate. The difference between Tootsie Rolls and brownie batter Skittles is that Tootsie Rolls do not have a bitter aftertaste.

Skittles Chocolate Mix was a general disappointment that I dare not recommend to my friends. I also would not recommend these to my enemies because Skittles Chocolate Mix would only make them angrier. Skittles should stick with brightly colored fruit candies and leave the chocolate bite-sized candies to M&Ms.;

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