Can Children Get Skin Cancer?

You’ve heard it all before – skin cancer is a very serious condition that should not be taken lightly. Taking preventative measures to ensure that you do not get skin cancer is very important. Like most people, you are probably checking out your skin in the mirror, in hopes to catch any suspicious spots before they become cancerous. What about your child, though? Is it possible for children to become diagnosed with skin cancer?

Can Children Get Skin Cancer?

Much like almost any other type of cancer, it is possible for children to become diagnosed with skin cancer. In fact, it’s not at all uncommon. This is not to say that all children will get skin cancer. On the other hand, it’s also not to say that it is uncommon for doctors to diagnosed children with skin cancer. However, as with adults, there are certain factors that may put a child at a higher risk for developing skin cancer.

What Puts Children at Risk for Skin Cancer?

Although it may seem irrelevant, skin type can play a large role in a child’s chance for developing skin cancer. If your child has a lot of freckles, moles or has very fair skin, he or she is more at risk of developing skin cancer. Keep in mind that anyone can develop skin cancer, however, regardless of skin type. People with these skin types just tend to be more susceptible to sunburn and, ultimately, skin cancer. Another major factor is how often the child is exposed to the sun. Location may also play a role in a child’s risk of developing skin cancer. For example, a child who lives in Florida may develop skin cancer quicker than a child who lives in Maine – mainly due to the fact that the child is probably in the sun a lot more often.

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How Can Child Skin Cancer be Prevented?

As a parent, the most important thing that you can do in order to prevent your child from becoming diagnosed with skin cancer is slather on the sun block. Most parents think that the only time that it is necessary to use sun block is during a beach vacation. If your child gets exposure to the sun all year long, however, then it is important to continue using sun block during this time. It is also a good idea to have your child wear sunglasses, which will protect the eyes from the sun. If you or your child notice any unusual spots on the skin, then it is important to have it checked out by a dermatologist.

Skin cancer is a very serious condition that claims many lives each year. Taking preventative steps is the most important thing that you can do for the safety of your child and his or her skin. Although many parents may be willing to brush off the idea of their child having skin cancer, it is important to remember that it can and may happen, if caution is not used when a child is exposed to the sun.