Campfire Cooking – Make Baked Potatoes on an Open Fire

Campsite Supper Special

Do you love to camp out? What do you like best about open-air living? If you are like most camping enthusiasts, you probably love cooking and eating outdoors. Somehow, even the simplest foods simply taste better, if you cook them yourself over your own cozy campfire and eat them in the great out of doors.

Did you know that you can make delicious baked potatoes in a campfire? It’s so simple!

Once you set up your campsite and get your campfire started, with its lovely glowing embers, you can begin cooking your baked potatoes. By the time you finish roasting those wieners-on-a-stick, your delicious spuds will be ready to eat.

Cooking Your Campfire – Baked Potatoes

Be sure to pack at least one medium to large potato per camper before you head off on your camping expedition.

Scrub each potato well, and poke it several times with a fork. Wrap each clean potato separately in aluminum foil. (Double-wrapping each potato is a good idea for campfirecooking, even if you use heavy-duty aluminum foil.)

Place your foil-wrapped potatoes directly on the hot coals and embers of your crackling campfire. Cook your campfire – baked potatoes for 45 minutes, or until you can pierce potatoes easily with a fork.

Handle your hot baked potatoes carefully. Remove the blackened aluminum foil before serving your campfire – baked potatoes.

Serving Campfire- Baked Potatoes

Campfire – baked potatoes are ideal for a campsite supper. They are nutritious and tasty, and they do not spoil in warm weather, as creamy, mayonnaise-rich potato or pasta salads may.

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Place your campfire – baked potatoes on a large plate, in a big bowl, or in a lovely basket for serving. Or, if you are camping more rustically, you can simply toss your campfire – baked potatoes on the picnic table or campers’ tin plates.

Baked potatoes are delicious with plenty of butter or margarine, fresh sour cream or even shredded cheddar cheese and bacon. Many a camper has built an entire supper around a single campfire – baked potato with several favorite toppings.

Add a tossed salad or a big pail of steamed corn-on-the-cob, and your summer picnic or camping supper is ready. Call your campers to the picnic table or campfire circle.

If you do not plan to serve your food immediately, you can re-wrap your campfire – baked potatoes in fresh aluminum foil until you are ready to sit down for your super campsite meal.

Don’t forget to keep the campfire going, so you can roast those marshmallows after supper.
