Calling All Nursing Majors-Summer Study Abroad

Spending a summer in Cyprus for nursing majors is a great way to enjoy a summer and gain college credit!

The global learning semesters program offers a course path specifically for nursing majors. The Health Science program gives students pre-medical, nursing or other allied health students interested in healthcare valuable coursework experience.

The summer program in Cyprus includes studying the difference in health care between the United States and Europe. Students also gain classroom work supplemented by site visits to 5-7 public and private hospitals and clinics in Cyprus.

Nursing students also attend a practicum in a local private hospital. Non-nursing students who are in related healthcare majors will attend a course in european cultures.

Cyprus has well developed healthcare and is a suitable area for students to gain healthcare experience. This program is also limited to twelve nursing students.

The uniqueness of the summer in Cyprus program for medical majors is that it includes an introduction to healthcare management as well as severael site visits to multiple local public and private hospitals and clinics.

Students also gain clinical experience in a local clinic. Students also have the opportunity to earn six credits toward their degree through fully accredited coursework. The courses are taught in English. Students who participate in the summer program in cyprus will attend two courses that will give them a chance to appreciate how healthcare systems function depending on the socio-political context.

The required course in the medical program is Management of Care which is 3 credit hours. The Elective Courses include Provision of Nursing Care (for nursing majors only) and European Cultures (for students who are in a medically related field.)

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Each of the courses are intercollege courses and are taught by Intercollege faculty using Intercollege syllabi. The program also includes 7 days of in-country travel in cyprus.

Intercollege is a well-known international institution and is currently the largest and most prestigious college in Cyprus. Nearly 5,000 students are enrolled at three separate campuses. Intercollege is accredited at the associate’s, bachelor’s and master’s level. Their particular strengths are business, international relations, engineering, computer science and some areas of the social sciences.

The main campus is in the city of Nicosia. This campus serves approximately 4,000 students. All of the classroom buildings on this campus were built within the last decade and match American facilities in design, comfort and technology.

The campus in Nicosia includes a Library, computer Labs, gym, cinema studio, multimedia and teleconferencing facilities, a cafeteria, design labs, engineering labs, TV and Radio Production Labs, and it is in a beautiful setting.

Admission requirements for the summer in Cyprus, Health Sciences Program includes being in current good standing in an academic institution in the United States. Students are also expected to be at a sophomore standing and must have maintained a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.

Students must also have at least one academic year completed at their home institution.

Additional requirements for the program include up-to-date vaccinations for polio, tetanus, measles and mumps. They must also have vaccines of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. Students must also have a negative HIV status test date posted after March 1 of 2007.

Students who participate in the Medical Science Summer Abroad program will also be mandatory enrolled in Medical Indemnity insurance.

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Other requirements include interest in the program topic, overall academic performance, rationale for participating in the program and quality academic recommendation. Students must also have demonstrated maturity in order to be eligible for the program.

The travel experience in Cyprus will also give students unique international and cultural experience that will set them apart when it comes to job hunting and resume building.

Student housing for the summer program in Cyprus includes same-sex apartments or houses. The housing will be in residential areas near the Intercollege campus or near the downtown shopping district of Nicosia.

The housing includes furnished units including kitchens, lounges and basic amenities. Some units also have WiFi. Students will most likely share a room with one roommate unless they request otherwise and are willing to pay for the additional space.

The housing is also not supervised. Students are expected to maintain responsible behavior.

Studying abroad for a summer in Cyprus is a great way for medical and nursing students to gain practical experience and international experience that will benefit them in their future medical careers.