California Welding License Requirements

California has a special licensing requirement for welders. Individuals seeking to work independently (or qualify a company for a license) need to get a license from the California Contractors State License Board. This state agency issues welding licenses upon successful completion of a certain amount of work experience and two separate exams for California welders. In addition to those requirements, a license applicant needs to have good moral character and show a certain amount of financial ability.

Many people seeking a California contractor license take classes in a construction technical school or attend college courses in construction or engineering. However, there is no formal requirement to get a welding education in California. Rather, the state focuses on actual job experience and testing.

To begin with, a prospective California welding contractor needs to rack up at least 4 years of work experience. This time must be comprised of welding work as a journeyman, contractor, foreman or supervisor, as trainee time is not included in the experience requirement. Thus, you will need to get hired on as a welder with a licensed contractor to ever qualify for your own license.

In most cases, you will have to obtain a license to do your own welding work. However, it is possible for some welders to run a welding business without a license. For example, if you only do projects under $500, you generally do not need a license. For all exceptions to the welding license requirements, see the “Blueprint” link in the Resources below. Use that document to get specific licensing details and this article for an overview of California license requirements.

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Now, if we assume that you have the work experience to get a license, then you next need to take two different tests – a generic California Law and Business exam for all contractors and a California welding contractor exam.

To prepare for these mandatory exams, you should use the licensing board’s study guides, which are linked to in Resources. Buy the reference books mentioned in each study guide. You can also use the exam outlines in each guide as a checklist to help assess whether you are ready to take your welding and contractor exams.

Okay, let’s assume that you have studied up and are ready to take your tests. You now need to apply for a license and the exams with the same application form (see Resources). There is a $250 fee just to apply for a license and take the exams. Another $150 is due if you pass your exams and otherwise qualify for a California welding license.

Wait for information in the mail once you have mailed in your application. You will get more exam details and fingerprint and background-check details.

Submit your fingerprints and take your exams. Although certain criminal records may disqualify you, it is imperative that you report all convictions on your application to prevent certain disqualification.

Now, let’s assume you are qualified in terms of testing, experience and moral fitness. The last hurdle involves financial issues. Here are the requirements:

1. Working capital for projects in the amount of $2500;

2. Contractors surety bonds totaling $20,000 or cash; and

3 Workers compensation insurance if California law requires it (basically if you have employees).

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Law and Business Exam Study Guide for California Contractors

California Welding Contractor’s License Application

Study Tips for the California Welding Exam

California Contractors Blueprint for Welding Contractor’s Licenses