Buzz Aldrin Elementary School – Reston, Virginia

Buzz Aldrin Elementary School (a Fairfax County Public School )

Aldrin Elementary School is nestled in a Reston, VA , a quiet suburb of Washington, D.C.. Click here for a map. With a population of about 60,000 people, Reston is proud to have Aldrin ES in their community. The school is named after Dr. Buzz Aldrin , the second astronaut to walk on the moon. Dr. Aldrin makes occasional visits to the school to speak to the students about the space program, the importance of their educations, among other things. Aldrin was built and opened its doors for the first time in September 1994. The founding principal was Gina Ross while the current principal is MartyMarinoff. Please see below for links to more information:

Principal Contact
VDOE Accreditation Summary
Adequate Yearly Progress for 2004-05

There are many programs in place at Aldrin ES which help facilitate a happy, progressive learning environment for every child. Some include aSACC program (school-age child care), a full-time GT specialist who coordinates pull-out opportunities for enrichment as well as whole-class “push-in” enriching opportunities for all students. There are two guidance counselors on staff who provide community-building and friendship activities in each classroom as well as counseling opportunities in a small group or individual basis, as desired. Aldrin ES has a strings program, a library/media center, a technology lab, a Marymount University Intern Training Program for Teachers-in-Training, a special education program, a physical education program utilizing the Fairfax County Public Schools Physical Education Program of Studies, also called “On the Move.” Click Here for more information on the physical education program. Aldrin also has many other programs, not to exclude the active PTA, with volunteers helping to make all of Aldrin’s programs possible. For more Aldrin PTA info, click here.

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Aldrin uses to help connect teachers and their students and families. You can also find links to more helpful Aldrin information below:

Lunch Menu Information
SOL (standards of learning test) Links
Kindergarten Registration
Aldrin ES Parent Liason
Recommended Links
Fairfax County Links

Through the leadership of Marty Marinoff, principal, the professional and support staff at Aldrin ES, and all the parents and families of Aldrin Elementary School, Aldrin ES has become a fantastic place of education and community involvement. I, for one, know first-hand. My husband is a veteran teacher there and my two older kids currently attend and will be joined by my youngest child in September, 2007 when she boards the school bus for her first day of kindergarten. Go Eagles!