Buying Guide to Closet Space Savers

If the interior of your closet is giving you nightmares, a closet space saver may be in order. Whether you are dealing with a very small space, or a large dressing room, closet space savers can help you get organized and stay that way. While many units are expensive, the majority are well worth the cost, given the assistance they can provide you with keeping your closets clean. Before you purchase a closet space saver, there are a few things that you should consider to make the most out of your purchase.


Closet space savers come in many different materials. The most common are light-weight metal, but numerous manufacturers are now offering other options, such as wicker. When selecting a material, keep in mind what you will be storing. For example, silk and delicate fabrics can snag on wicker or metal, leaving you with a ruined garment. In this instance, look for closet space savers that offer either plastic coatings or cloth coverings that will protect your clothes.


Most closet space savers will allow you to design your own finished product. This is a great benefit if you are working with a small space and need to make the most out of it. Look for a model that offers numerous options, such as hanging racks, shelves and drawers. Ideally, close space savers that also provide storage for shoes, hats and gloves will help you further organize your closet.

It is a good idea to decide how many shelves you’ll need ahead of time. Take a look at your wardrobe to see how many items can be folded and which need to be hung. This will give you a better idea of which feature you will require more. Most closet space savers offer only limited hanging options, and they may not be long enough to provide you with space to properly hang pants or dresses. In this case, look for a unit that will work with your existing clothing rack, leaving enough space to easily fit your long items alongside.

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As mentioned previously, closet space savers can be expensive. If you are on a tight budget, look for materials such as plastic that are cheaper than metal. Be advised however, that these closet space savers may not last as long as their more durable counterparts. You’ll need to use extra care when installing them and maintaining them to help them last longer.

Other ideas for making the most out of a limited budget are designing your own closet space savers. You can save money by eliminating features that you don’t need, and by sticking with just the basics. For example, you can eliminate drawers in favor of open shelves, which can greatly reduce the overall price.


Rubbermaid is one of the most popular manufacturers of closet space savers. These models are usually long lasting and guaranteed to be tough. If you plan on heavy use for your close space saver, this manufacturer would be a very good choice. However, there are also higher end manufacturers that offer custom design options that include mahogany and other woods or materials. These closet space savers work well in dressing rooms and large spaces that require a little more attention to detail.


One of the best features of closet space savers is that you can continue adding on more elements, reconfiguring them until you have exactly what you are looking for. Try to mind a model that offers the ability to add on other features in the future. This is a great way to minimize your initial investment when purchasing closet space savers, while still giving you the option of adding-on in the future.