Business Tips from “The Apprentice” in 2007

NBC “The Apprentice” is in full spring with the airing of January 7th, 2008 telecast, where we see seventeen business hopefuls jockey for a position next to Donald Trump.

Other than great reality television and visions of financial catfights, there is something to learn from Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Wolfgang Puck, and all those that appear on “The Apprentice”

In the beginning of the show Martin sets himself apart from the pack by the comments that he makes and the way that he dressed. The first thing that we can learn is thinking before you speak and the first impressions is always important. I know that Martin was trying to set himself apart on “The Apprentice” and obtain recognition from Donald Trump but did think before he spoke? On national television, Martin told Donald Trump that he had to go to the bathroom.

This goes to show that when you’re dealing with business people, always think before you speak. I’ve always been taught that there is life or death in the tongue. What comes out of your mouth in the form of words could be life or death to your career and future.

If you have been on an interview, you know that first impressions are important. Martin arrived at the Trump mansion to introduce himself to Donald Trump and seventeen business people in a strange outfit. I have to ask, “What kind of impression does a person make wearing a blue pin stripe suit, with a red checkered shirt, and a polka dot tie?”

The ensemble was not something to wear to your first meeting where the goal was to introduce and impress fifteen people, who ultimately were suppose to respect you when these 14 weeks were over.

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Was Martin trying to make a statement with is mixture of colors and shapes? Was he trying to tell Donald and the cast that he was a free spirit and thought out of the box?

Martin, I guess we will never know because even though you love quoting people, you forgot the one quote about clothing.

When you can’t do something truly useful, you tend to vent the pent up energy in something useless but available, like snappy dressing. ~Lois McMaster Bujold

On this season of “The Apprentice” we have Olympic star Angela who not only represented the United States in Ice Hockey but also graduated Cum Laude at Harvard University, and NCAA First Team Academic All-American. Donald Trump picked her out of the crowd and personally used her, as an example of what he thinks is talent.

What a great way of getting attention in a crowd and proving the fact that you’re past history follows you everywhere. Why is this important? If you’re past history follows you everywhere you will want to make sure that that your past history of employment and business deals shed a positive light on you.

For example, whom would you hire if both applicants had the same skills and experience? Would you hire someone who has bad rapport with past employers and business people or would you hire someone who obtains praises from their business dealings?

I’ll be rooting for Angela during this seasons show. In her past she has proven that she is not afraid of hard work, taking risks, and going against the odds against her.

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The first task of the day was to produce a tent in the back yard of the Trump mansion. I’m very impressed with the women of the group digging into the project and I hope they continue to. The two people to stand out from this task are Frank and Heidi. Frank and Heidi had no problem taking the lead.

To stand out in the crowd, don’t be afraid to take the lead in a project. Look at what it did for Frank and Heidi on “The Apprentice”. The action of taking the lead gave them the spotlight to become project managers on the first project Trump had the group do.

Speaking of the first project, Heidi’s team and Frank’s team face off at the Car Wash in West Los Angeles. Heidi once again stood out in the crowd by hiring some good-looking men to advertise free car washes. Heidi’s experience and knowledge in sales caused her to use a fact of the area, the fact that the area has a high percentage of gay men.

We can take this experience in our own life and learn about the area we are trying to tackle. Take myself for example; I’m new to online publishing and promoting Blog and Associated Content articles. It would be a benefit to me to know about the demographics (type of readers) that Associated Content has and tailor my articles to that. It would also be a benefit to learn more about promoting Blogs and making money online with Blogs.

Here is an example of what not to do in business. Frank thought it would be smart to get advertising for his team. Frank and another member of his team ran off to the local copy center leaving his team behind with their hands up in the air. This is not a great way to win a competition if you leave your team behind and you lose the opportunity to do some sales.

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Frank should have made team members responsible for certain aspects of the task at hand, then head off to the copy center. Another way to look at it, is that Frank should have sent someone else to the copy center and managed his team into the first win of the season.

During the car wash, I have to give kudos to Stefani for digging in and being a trooper even though she was hungry, dehydrated and physically sick while selling car washes to the public.

There is more that can be learned by watching NBC’s hit “The Apprentice” and watching Donald Trumps reaction to the cast. Check out the second part of this article where you can learn tips on what makes a good team leader and boardroom etiquette.