Burro’s Tail or Jelly Bean House Plant

The burro’s tail or jelly bean house plant is an easy to care for house plant. The burro’s tail is the same plant as the jelly bean plant just different names for the same plant. The jelly bean plant is native of Mexico and it makes a great houseplant for people who live in colder climates. It is also a nice outdoor plant for people who live in warm climates.

Jelly bean plants have plump leaves that look like jelly beans. The leaves of the jelly bean plant can be green in color or a variety of reddish colors. They look like jelly beans in a variety of colors. The plump leaves of the jelly bean plant are full of liquid that is why the leaves are so plump. These plump leaves are rather delicate and can fall off the plant easily so if you plan on moving your jelly bean plant you need to be very careful when you move it.

The jelly bean plant does not require much attention. You only need to water a jelly bean plant two or three times a month because they are happy with little water.

Jelly bean plants can be propagated easily. All you need to do to create more jelly bean plants is to take some of the leaves of the jelly bean plant and put them on top of a pot of soil. Then keep the pot of soil watered until the leaves of the jelly bean plant start to create a root system and then a small jelly bean plant will start to grow.

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Jelly bean plants look nice when they are planted in a hanging basket. The jelly bean plant will start to grow over the edge of the hanging basket and then they will trail down the side of the hanging basket as it grows.

In warmer climates the jelly bean plant can be grown outdoors in a garden. You can keep jelly bean plants outside in the summer in colder climates but bring them inside before it frosts outside.

Whether you call it a jelly bean plant or a burro’s tail it is a very nice plant that makes a great house plant. You can find burro’s tail plants or jelly bean plants at a plant nursery near you. If you would like to read more about the jelly bean or burro’s tail plant you can go on the internet to http://www.denverplants.com/foliage/html/burro.htm for more information.
