Bumbo Baby Sitter VS. Bebe Pod Car Seats

Your tiny baby has grown up! No, not driving yet, but wanting to sit up and see the world like never before. Being a new parent with a new child can be stressful, not being able to complete certain task, but with the new improved inventions of baby sitters you can literally have a sitter for a few moments.

At first glance the Bumbo and the Bebe Pod look very similar. These are both soft foam seats made with the purpose to help your child learn how to sit. They both have tray accessories that could easily turn them both into a playing area or a mini highchair, but which one is better? Which one are you getting more for your buck?

While the Bumbo tends to be at a higher price than the Bebe Pod in most areas, it’s only a few dollar difference but the quality of the product is totally different. The Bumbo is structured differently, the sitting area is placed lower and the sides up higher keeping the child from falling out. The leg holes are a tiny bit further up than the actually sitting place causing the child to stay in by using their weight to keep them down, not the tightness of the sitter.

On the other hand the Bebe Pod does not appear to be as comfortable the center piece curves in towards the child, which is fine until the child leans forward. The center piece will jab in to the child’s stomach. This product weighs almost a pound more than the Bumbo making it harder to transport around with you as your child continues to grow. The Bumbo seat is made with the thought that most parents aren’t used to lugging heavy things with precious cargo on tow, and is made with low density foam.

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The Bebe Pod comes with a tray that has matching pads to go over them, while looking pretty, serve no real function. This is just another piece you have to keep up with and clean. The bumbo has a clear tray that is easily wiped off, this tray can be used to put finger foods on, letting the child observe something new, or just put a few toys on top, so when the baby gets tired of playing they can rest their toys on the tray.

I have purchased the Bumbo for my eight month daughter when she was 4 months old, she was struggling with head control and this helpped to build up her neck muscles. A friend of the family has a son who was just one month younger than my daughter and they had recieved the Bebe Pod as a gift. They kept saying how he would whine and cry while he was in there because it just was not comfortable, I thought that the child might just not want to be in that position but when I took my daughter over there once I put her in there and she looked very uncomfortable. Once my daughter started to sit on her own I passed down the Bumbo to the other family, letting them know what wonders it did for my daughter. After a month of using it almost every day he began to sit by himself as well!

Once both of our families got our use out of the Bumbo we sent it to my daughter’s part time daycare as a donation. The kids there loved it! They felt like little grown ups sitting by themselves and the parents were amazed at how fast it taught the children to sit up by themselves.

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The Bumbo baby sitter is built with a better structure and serves many purposes, that are not only valuable but are available for the best use possible. It is easy to see which one is better, and how that extra ten bucks you spend will on your child’s new Bumbo will not only help them learn how to sit but will become part of daily activities. Choose the Bumbo, it will help you the most.