Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk in Cities Across America

Cities across the United States will host large groups of people walking 60 miles to raise awareness of breast cancer and funds to find a cure.

The Breast Cancer 3-Day walk is advertising for participants for events that will take place in various cities from August through November. People who walk the 60 mile route raise money and awareness to help the cause.

There will be 60 cities across America featuring 60 mile walks to raise awareness of breast cancer, and money for the disease that affects the lives of so many. Breast Cancer is a disease that can be devastating to the person with the disease and to friends and family members.

Breast Cancer is the leading cancer in American women and is second only to lung cancer in the number of cancer deaths. Although breast cancer in primarily a woman’s disease, men can also get breast cancer. According to the Breast Cancer 3 Day website, as estimated 40,460 women and 450 men will die for breast cancer in 2008.

People who participate in the walks are often breast cancer survivors, friends and family. Friends and family members of people who have had the disease have a passion for finding a cure, so they walk too. People who have lost a loved one to the disease may participate because it is something proactive they can do to help. Anyone who is physically able to, can walk in the fund raiser. Each individual makes a commitment to raise at least $2,200 to help the cause.

The Breast Cancer 3-Day walkers travel an average of 20 miles a day. Participants are provided tents, shower facilities, snacks, meals, drinks, safety guidelines and 24 hour medical support. A crew of volunteers spends the entire weekend with helping implement walks, to make them best experience possible.

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Following are the cities the walks will be held, along with the dates:

Chicago, Illinois: August 8-10
Boston, Massachusetts: August 15-17
Cleveland, Ohio: August 22-24
San Francisco Bay Area, California: September 5-7
Seattle, Washington: September 12-14
Twin Cities St. Paul/Minneapolis, Minnesota: September 19-21.
Michigan: September 26-29
Washington, DC: October 3-5
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: October 17-19
Atlanta, Georgia: October 24-26
Tampa Bay, Florida: October 31-November 2
Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas: November 7-9
San Diego, California: November 21-23/

The Breast Cancer 3-Day walk is for people, men and women, with a passion for making a personal difference in the battle to end breast cancer. Each participant makes a commitment for an individual fund raising goal of $2,200. Walkers train for months to be the great physical shape and devote the entire three day weekend to this important cause.

The 3-Day Walk began in 2003. The event has raised more than $220 million though donations, contributions and sponsorships.

The 2006 3-Day Walk raised $86 million, of which $61 was invested in breast cancer research, education and community outreach. This is a 74% return to charity, which exceed the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Standards for Charity Accountability.

The Susan G. Komen for the Cure organization is the recipient of 85% of the net proceeds of the Breast Cancer 3-Day benefits. Susan G. Komen for the Cure is the world’s largest, most progressive grassroots network fighting the battle to end breast cancer. Susan G. Komen was found as a result of a promise that Nancy G. Brinker made to her dying sister. The Susan G. Komen for the Cure was founded in 1982. According the the 3-Day website, the Komen organization has invested nearly $1 billion to fulfill its promise to become the largest source of nonprofit funds dedicated to the fight against breast cancer in the world.

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If you would like to sign up for a walk, or want more information, see the 3-Day Walk Website.

Read Cancer Treatment Options by Debra Cornelius
Read Surviving Cancer: An Anniversary Story
Read Cancer Related Hair Loss.
Read Side Effects of Cancer: Chemo Head
Read Cancer Related Fatigue.
Read Oral Hygiene for Cancer Patients.
Read Tammy Faye Bakker on Larry King Live.
