Breaking Your Child’s Fever

When your child has a fever it can be a very scary thing, and unless you know how to treat this fever it may even cause many parents to panic. However, educating yourself on the best ways to reduce a fever is much better than panicking! Stay calm, and keep reading.

First off the most accurate way of checking your child’s temperature is rectally. Some parents are disgusted at the thought of this, but it truly is the best way. If your child is an infant or toddler and can not safely hold the thermometer in their mouth then it should be done rectally. To do this simply place some petroleum jelly on the tip of the rectal thermometer and place into child’s anal canal about 1/2 inch to an inch. It is important not to put the thermometer in to far and also that the child does not struggle which could cause the thermometer to be pushed in accidentally. Keep the thermometer in this position for 2 minutes or until it beeps.

If your child is old enough to hold the thermometer in their mouth, you may do it this way. They must be able to hold it under their tongue and hold it lightly with their lips while breathing through their nose for 2 minutes or until the thermometer beeps. Simply placing the thermometer under a child’s armpit is the least accurate way of taking a temperature.

The average body temperature is 98.6 degrees. So anything that is above this could be considered feverish. Be sure not to take temperatures after baths, drinking or eating because this will make your results inaccurate.

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Once you find out your child has a fever there are many things you can do to bring it down. Start off by giving your child Tylenol AND Motrin. It is important to give both of these medications. To know what dose to give look at the dosing chart on the bottle. It is important to go by the weight and NOT the age. Under dosing a child will not bring a fever down. Tylenol may be given every 4-6 hours and Motrin may be given every 6-8 hours. It seems like a lot of medication but you must continue giving these two medications until your child if fever free. This is by far the most important step.

Another thing you want to do is make sure your child is lightly dressed. Fevers make people feel cold but it is important not to layer on clothing or wrap up in a blanket until the fever is broken. Letting children run around in their diapers/under ware is your best bet. Children love ice cream and popsicles, so another “cool” idea is to let them suck on cold things. You want to ensure your child is drinking plenty of fluids while they have a fever so they do not end up getting dehydrated. Drinking is much more important that eating at this point.

Once medication is given you may also give your child a lukewarm bath. You want to make sure however that the water is not to cold because this may cause shivering which will inadvertently raise your child’s temperature even more.

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Fevers can be caused from all kinds of illnesses and diseases, and does not always mean there is something serious going on. It may just be a viral illness that is untreatable and needs to just run its course. If after lowering the fever your child is smiling and playful chances are it is only a viral illness. If after bringing their temperature down they are still fussy and whiny it may mean they have an ear infection or some other infection. Only you know your child, so if at anytime your feel something serious is going on do not hesitate, and call 911.

Fevers that are left untreated can cause serious dangerous to your child’s health. When your child’s fever reaches 102 degrees there is a chance they may have febrile seizures. Although this causes no harm to your child, it is very unpleasant. Once a child has had a febrile seizure they are also at a greater risk for having them again.