Brazilian Bikini Wax at Home

Brazilian bikini waxes may look great, but the process of giving yourself a Brazilian bikini wax is painful. Not only will I take you through step-by-step instructions on how to give yourself a Brazilian bikini wax at home, I will also suggest some tips you may want to use in order to reduce the pain of waxing.

A Brazilian bikini wax gets rid of all of the hair in the pubic area, except for a small patch just above the vagina.

To give yourself a Brazilian bikini wax at home, you will need a home waxing kit, which includes wax and cloth strips such as Sally Henson Hair Remover Wax Strip Kit for Face, Eyebrows, & Bikini. These kits can be found at popular drug stores, such as Walgreen’s or Rite Aid. Choose the best waxing kit for you.

You may also want to purchase a pair of tweezers in order to remove stray hair. You will also need a mirror and soothing lotion. If you do not have lotion for sensitive skin, you may want to purchase some.

Before you begin waxing, ensure that your pubic area is clean. You may want to take a warm shower to clean your pubic area before you begin. Dry your pubic area before applying wax. Wax will not stick to wet hair to effectively remove it.

To make the waxing process less painful, take a couple of over-the-counter painkillers before you begin waxing. You could try taking Advil, Tylenol, or whatever painkiller is most effective for you. You may also want to apply a numbing cream or spray to the pubic area to reduce the pain you feel during waxing. Be sure to read the directions and warnings on the product, however, as some creams and sprays should not be used around the pubic area.

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If you have a full-length mirror in your house, you could sit in a comfortable chair in front of the mirror. If not, you can use a small, compact mirror to place between your legs so you can see what you are doing while waxing.

In order for the wax to effectively remove your pubic hair, the hair needs to be about ¼ inch in length. If your hair is much longer than ¼ inches, cut the hair with scissors so that it can be effectively removed by waxing.

Follow the instructions on or inside the wax kit on how to apply the wax to your bikini area. Apply wax in the direction of hair growth. Place strips approximately ¼ inches in length on top of the warm wax after you have applied it to your bikini area.

Once the wax has hardened, remove the cloth strip. You need to remove the cloth strip quickly so that hair is pulled out by its roots. Rip cloth strip off the area in the same direction hair is growing.

Continue in this manner, applying wax to small section of pubic hair, then placing a small cloth strip on top of the wax, waiting for the wax to harden, and removing the strip until you are satisfied with the amount of hair you have removed from your bikini area.

If you have stubborn hair, you may remove it with a pair of tweezers.

If waxing becomes too painful, take a break until you can tolerate further pain. Alternatively, if you feel you cannot handle any more pain, you may finish getting some of the pubic hair from your bikini area by shaving it off with a razor.

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After you have finished waxing completely, apply a lotion to the area, which should help soothe the pain and irritation. You may want to use a lotion for sensitive skin to avoid further irritating the skin.

Brazilian bikini waxes can be done in the comfort of your own home. While this process may be painful, I hope the tips and suggestions I provided in this article will help the process be less painful and more comfortable for you.


Walgreen’s: Bikini Wax Search Results:;=bikini+wax

Buzzle: How to Give Yourself a Brazilian Bikini Wax:

Ezine Articles: How to Give Yourself a Brazilian Bikini Wax:;=107313