Blue Diamond Creamy Almond Butter Review

Blue Diamond Ready Spread Almond Butter is blended into a delicious spread for sandwiches or as an ice cream topping or mix-in for smoothies.

The Blue Diamond brand also makes an Almond Butter with honey and a Crunchy Almond Butter.

Since I tried and liked the Blue Almond Mint Dark Chocolate oven roasted almonds, I wanted to taste their creamy almond butter. I was pleased by the creamy texture and the nutty taste. It added a great flavor to my Almased protein shake with added chocolate.

The almond butter paired nicely with Wheat Thins Flatbread . I prefer almond butter compared to Soy Nut Butter.

Almond butter is great for dieters because it packs a lot of protein as well as Vitamin E and fiber. It tends to keep you full for a long time.

Here are a few things I learned about the Blue Diamond creamy Almond Butter Ready Spread for my review:

No. 1: Almond Butter calories: Two tablespoons pf the Blue Diamond Almond Butter contains 190 calories compared to the honey almond butter with 180 calories.

No. 2: Blue Diamond Almond Butter fat: Two tablespoons contains 17 grams of fat compared to the Blue Diamond honey almond butter with 14 grams of fat.

No. 3: Blue Diamond Creamy Almond Butter sodium: Two tablespoons contains 75 mg of sodium.

No. 4: Blue Diamond Creamy Almond Butter protein: Two tablespoons has 7 grams of protein.

No. 5: Blue Diamond Creamy Almond Butter nutritional information: Vitamins include 8 percent iron, 8 percent calcium, 40 percent vitamin E and 20 percent magnesium. It also has 2 grams of sugar. It has three grams of fiber.

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Peanut Butter Versus Almond Butter

Which is better, almond butter or peanut butter? As a comparison, the average store-bought peanut butter contains 190 calories, 16 grams of fat, 3 grams of sugar, 2 grams of fiber, 150 mg sodium and 7 grams of protein. Peanut butter has 4 percent iron, 15 percent Vitamin E.

So, which is healthier peanut butter or almond butter? Most people would agree almond butter is better for you. But it’s really a matter of personal taste. What is almond butter? Almond butter is simply ground almonds and has been blended a lot for a smooth consistency.

Blue Diamond Almond Butter Creamy can help you eat clean. For taste and nutrition, I give the Blue Diamond almond butter 4.8 out of 5 stars.

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Source: Blue Diamond website
