Blog Talk Radio.Com; A Review

This past summer, I accidentally stumbled on to a unique web site. Blog Talk Radio got its start in August of 2006. It was founded by Alan Levey and Bob Charish. It is the leading radio social network. It gives individuals a chance to have their own live talk show. It brings the idea of freedom of speech to a new level. The web site lets you set up a topic area, allows for calls by phone, emails, and questions to be asked by viewable chat lines.

Within months of its launch, thousands of listeners were joining in. Levey started it while his father was ill. He would post comments about his father for relatives to view. As a memorial to his father, he wanted more. He wanted to provide a way that individuals could interact instantly on various subjects. Blog Talk Radio now lets people from all walks of life interact with each other on thousands of different subjects. Entertainment has over 14,000 different topics, sports has over 10,000. The smallest topic is wine and it has 18.

Are you interested politics? They have a liberal and a conservative set of topics totaling close to 8000. Religion has 11,000. There is something for everyone.

They have a schedule of upcoming events. Did you miss something that you wanted to hear? No problem. You can click on a subject and it has been recorded for you to listen at your own convenience.

How diverse are they? Lets take a look at the paranormal category. They list stations like SquatchdetectiveRadio, The UnexplainedWorld, Fleeting Souls, UFO’s, USO’s, Ghosts, Life after Death, and Dreams.

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Subjects include the following poetry, television, movies, pets, spirituality, romance, self-help, finance, parents, software, life, legal, jobs, hobbies, health, travel, war, history, school, weather, and technology just to list a few.

When a channel is on live, you can join in and ask questions by the chat line to the person in charge of the show. Many shows have guests that either call in or on line at the same time. Besides listening, you can interact with others on the chat lines as well.

Blog Talk Radio lets you create your very own radio station. They even offer advertising and revenue sharing. If they bring in the sponsor you get 35% of the profit. If you bring it in, you get 50%.

Getting on the air is very simple. It is done right from your home by way of a phone call and your computer in front of you. They provide all the leg work. You just set up your show, make the call, get connected, and away you go. If you make a long distance call it will cost you. However, many individuals have unlimited long distance calling on their billing already. You can also hook up a headphone to your computer and connect for free through your computer. You can even download music files to play while you are on the air in back round.

You also have control over your chat line and can block or moderate your chat line.certain.

To be successful at Blog Talk Radio, it is important to be prepared on the subject matter that you are covering. Having a knowledgeable host can go a long way in making your show a success. It is also important to be sure that you have enough material to get you through the time slot. Keep your subject interesting so that it will draw attention.

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If having your own radio talk show is something you want to try, then checkout Blog Talk Radio. If you don’t want to do this, you can still listen to great talk radio, while you surf or work on your computer.