Blistex Silk and Shine Lip Balm Review

Blistex Silk and Shine has a rather plain style. It comes in a small silver tube with dark purple lettering. Reluctance to purchase this lip balm based on the simplistic style would not be unusual. However, the package’s description makes up for all that Blistex Silk and Shine lacks in the style category. Once I read the packaging, it was difficult to ignore all that Blistex Silk and Shine has to offer. This lip balm has a sweet scent that can be overwhelming at times.

When I purchased this product and tried it for the first time, the scent was noticeable an hour after putting on Blistex Silk and Shine. This experience may be tolerable for some men and women, but is worth considering if you do not want to smell your lips all day long. It can be especially annoying to women who wear other products that contain strong fragrances. Wearing scented body lotion, perfume and Blistex Silk and Shine may be going overboard. The scent from this lip balm appears to be unlike any other from the Blistex brand or any other company, so that was a plus.

Blistex Silk and Shine is enclosed inside of a container that is similar to lipstick tubes. I was not aware of this when trying to open the lip balm as first. My impression was that the lid snaps off and I would have to turn a lever one the same tube to get to the moisturizer based on some other Blistex lip balm products. However, Blistex Silk and Shine is utilized in a slightly different manner. The “lid” is actually part of a second tube located inside the case that has “Blistex Silk and Shine” written on it.

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This second tube removes itself to reveal the moisturizer. It is nearly identical to the process of applying lipstick. The lip balm itself is white and solid. While it appears to have a hard surface, Blistex Silk and Shine is soft when being applied to the lips. This lip balm appears and feels like it will be heavy and like wax at first. However, Blistex Silk and Shine is light if you do not put too much on. One application can moisturize your lips for a few hours before having to put more on.

Lip balm is useful and may even be essential for lots of women and men. However, it is not so important that is has to cost more than one dollar. That is why I decided to weigh my options before purchasing Blistex Silk and Shine. This lip balm costs $2.99 at drugstores and other retail locations that sell beauty or skincare products. The price tag is a bit expensive for the average woman or man who just wants something quick to keep his or her lips from getting too dry.

Blistex Silk and Shine has a corny design, but makes up for it in all of the right places. It is a light moisturizer that is not sticky or mushy like some other lip balm products. You will pay more than you would for the average lip balm when buying Blistex Silk and Shine. However, the benefits far outweigh the costs when it comes to this particular lip balm. As long as Blistex Silk and Shine does not go up in price, this lip balm is worth buying. To make it even better, it even has sunscreen and vitamins.