Bethel Pizza House: Bethel Connecticut

As a world traveler I feel I’m a pretty good judge of the quality of food. I like what I like and while I am no expert in the traditional sense, I have had a lot of on-the-ground learning experience which has led me to my discoveries. Being such an accomplished maestro as I believe I am has taken me down a variety of dead ends. However there have also been a few awakenings; like my eventual discovery of the Bethel Pizza House.

Bethel Pizza House: What It Is: Bethel Pizza House is just what it claims to be; a tiny, hole in the wall joint which has been churning out great variations of the Italian delicacy for some years now. Recent readers to my column know my feelings on pizza; if you don’t, click HERE. At Bethel Pizza House though, while the pizza is good, it’s secondary to the real treat which makes Bethel Pizza House somewhere you should discover too.

Bethel Pizza House: Ambiance: One observer may say that Bethel Pizza House is a vintage outfit who makes great use of their space. Put another way, folks unfamiliar with the quality of the food could easily characterize Bethel Pizza House as something of a dump. Don’t let your first inhibitions scare you away; your reward awaits you inside.

Bethel Pizza House: Chicken Parmigiana: While some critics (present company included) give barbs to specifically defined places trying to take on too many hats, at Bethel Pizza House their extension into the grinders is really a beautiful thing. Bethel Pizza House makes all manner of pizza with toppings like peppers, salami, and bacon! Bethel Pizza House makes eggplant pizza, olives & mozzarella and even white pizza or anchovies; so really, the pizza at Bethel Pizza House is whatever you want. However it’s their epic grinders which are the real draw. Philly steak, eggplant, pepperoni, sausage, and meatball parmigiana, all add their own color to the mix. The grinder board at Bethel Pizza House also includes tuna, turkey, chicken, ham, and pastrami among others (and all served “hot”) but for my bottom dollar it’s really all about the chicken parmigiana. This sandwich is just off the charts good; get their 12″ and go into it yourself; try and eat the whole thing; I dare you. I have one of what some would consider “bottomless” appetite and I have my difficulty.

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Bethel Pizza House: Price: Here’s another sensitive issue; no one wants to get ripped off for something like pizza or heroes’; especially if they’re just average; nothing is a bigger let down for the cautious consumer than paying too much for so/so food. Well let me assure you; the food at Bethel Pizza House is both generous and delicious. The fact that the food’s so affordable is win/win for everyone! Not only does Bethel Pizza House develop customer loyalty but folks can still dine out on great Italian food even when they’re living on something of a restricted budget.

Bethel Pizza House: Conclusion: Bethel Pizza House has great food, cheap prices, and they also do a whole catering thing for just you or many people. the calzones are also really quite good. The next time you’re out in Bethel Connecticut, you may do yourself well to enjoy some Bethel Pizza House dining!

Bethel Pizza House
206 Greenwood Ave
Bethel CT 06801.
