Best Treatment for Acne: Over the Counter Product Guide

I struggled with acne prone skin and frequent breakouts until age 27. After trying everything from prescription antibiotics to Retin-A to weird concoctions made out of brewers yeast and flax oil down to birth control, I eventually concluded that achieving a clear complexion was hopeless for me. So much time, effort and money put in only to see extremely minor results. Very disconcerting.

Fortunately, though, around my 27th birthday my skin managed to miraculously clear up for the most part on its own. Now 28, I still must maintain a regular acne cleansing routine and even with that I get the occasional outbreak or two but my skin overall is significantly less red, irritated and let’s face it, disgusting looking than it once was.

While I firmly believe that this acne free skin and overall complexion turnaround had mostly to do with less stress in myself in combination with a hormonal change, I can say that a few select acne over the counter products have helped me immensely to at least keep my skin in this fairly healthy condition. Here’s a detailed list of some over the counter acne treatment products I swear by:

Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash
This mild orange colored cleanser does not tingle like some of the other acne over the counter products but somehow you can still really feel it working. My face feels wonderful after I cleanse with this. The product comes in two variations, a bar of soap and a liquid soap in a pump container. I would suggest opting for the latter option, as soap bars are sometimes difficult to keep clean, especially if they are in the shower or in a bathroom that more than one person has access to. I also think the liquid soap lasts longer.

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Panoxyl Bar 10 Over the Counter Acne Treatment Product
Panoxyl Bar is just what the name implies, a bar of soap. The ten stands for the 10% of benzoyl peroxide that is contained in the ingredients. That may not seem like a lot, but actually it is quite a bit. Consumers are encouraged to test a small spot of skin with this product before using it on the whole face because occasionally it can cause the skin to redden. Let me say though, this acne treatment product works absolutely phenomenally, and it works very fast. In two days I’d say, an icky breakout could possibly disappear while using Panoxyl Bar 10.
Most drug stores carry the product but take note that most recently I have had to get it from behind the pharmacy counter. It is definitely an over the counter product for anyone to buy, but I suppose due to the percentage of benzoyl peroxide they have to control it somehow. But this one is a sure bet to quickly get rid of zits.

Burt’s Bees Peach and Willow Bark Deep Pore Scrub
This rejuvenating face scrub is an excellent exfoliant to help rid your face of any dead cells, dry skin and sometimes even blackheads. It is all natural and it smells delicious, to the point where, if you use it as the last part of your face washing routine, people around you may be able to notice the pleasant aroma. It’s very soothing and it’s not too harsh, so even people with sensitive skin should be able to use it.