Best Small Garden Shrubs

We want our garden area to look lush, green, full, and beautiful. All the plants and bushes should work well with each other in terms of color, shape, and type. Most gardeners have a variety of plants, small trees, greenery, shrubs, hedges, as well as perennials and annual flowers. This variety gives a garden depth, variety, and gorgeous color to set off the rest of your yard.

One of the hardest parts in shopping for plants is knowing what to buy, which products are the best, and what foliage works the best together in a flower garden. Here are five shrubs that will fit snugly into your small garden without overpowering your other plants.

Burning Bush – Emerald Gaiety
The Burning Bush has deep green leaves bordered in white. The leaves have a tiny bit of pink in the colder months. This shrub produces small flowers that resemble red berries except do not eat these. Grows to a mature height of 2-4 feet and has a spread of 3-4 feet. If you want the Burning Bush to be a climber you can. All you need to do is support the shrub’s growth.

Plant the Burning Bush in full sun or partial sun and you can use just about any soil type. Make sure to keep the soil moist and water the shrub during those hot dry summer months. The Burning Bush is very hardy but can be damaged in high winds.

Hydrangea – Annabelle
This stunningly beautiful shrub produces flowers that can be 12 inches across. The huge blooms are white in color and bloom each year during the early to late summer months. Each year the flowers will grow bigger as the plant ages. The Annabelle will come back each year even if you have severe weather or prune it too harshly.

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Measuring 4-5 feet at its maturity the Annabelle can spread out approximately 3-5 feet. Almost any soil type, moisture setting, and sun exposure will be acceptable for this shrub to flourish.

If you are looking to attract butterflies and add a spectacular color shows for the entire year try the Sweetspire shrub. The foliage is green in the warm months with snow white flowers that cover the plant and are fragrant to attract butterflies. Each fall this shrub’s leaves will turn bright red providing you with a delightful addition to your flower garden.

At full height the Sweetspire will reach 20-24 inches and be approximately 3 feet wide. This plant is adaptable to many different soil and moisture types but prefers moist soil. The Sweetspire is drought resistant so it does great in areas where you get lots of rain. Try to plant the Sweetspire in an area that will get full sun exposure throughout the day.

Potentilla Fruticosa – Pink Beauty
These vibrant pink flowers are set off perfectly with the deep green leaves of the Pink Beauty shrub. These are full bushes that naturally grow in a round shape and bloom from the late spring months until you receive your first frost. Trim these bushes in early July to ensure they flower all summer long. If you live in a warmer climate or have a hot summer in a cool climate your flowers will be a cream color, almost turning white.

Requiring almost no care the Pink Beauty is a compact plant that looks beautiful. Mature height and spread is 2 feet. Plant in almost any soil and moisture type but be sure to allow for full sun throughout the day.

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Crispa – Lace Shrub
The leaves on the Lace Shrub are its focal point. Maple leaf shape, deep vein lines, with an intense and dazzling color green that will grow up to 3 inches long. The leaves will turn red-orange, red-purple, and even red-yellow in the fall months. Each set of leaves are perched on a cascading vine branch that falls downward and roots at the top. The Lace Shrub will flower in the late spring months offering a pearly white or yellow arrangement.

Expect the Lace Shrub to get anywhere from 1-3 feet tall and cover an area that ranges from 2-4 feet approximately. This plant will accept just about any soil, moisture, or sun exposure but likes to live in well-drained soil.

For additional information on how to best care for and plan your garden visit the following websites:

Flowering trees and shrubs to beautify your garden

15 Foolproof Shrubs

Small Space Garden Deisgn

Pest Control Tips for Flowers

Stay Safe in Your Garden