Best Sleigh Rides in Idaho

The best sleigh rides in Idaho reflect some of the remoteness and solitude of this thinly populated state. You are likely to find that some of the best rides in Idaho include everything from historic spots to modern resorts and everything in between. Each trail that is is explored by sleigh has its own select charm and each provides the rider with unique memories of a special moments spent in the midst of a winter wonderland resplendent with the glistening of snow and the nearly sacred silence of the countryside. The best sleigh rides in Idaho might be calling you for a test drive.

Trail Creek Sleigh Ride. Located in scenic Sun Valley Idaho, Trail Creek Sleigh Rides begin with a great romp through the snow, the horses do the romping and you do the “through the snow” part comfortably in a sleigh . The customer then has the option to also enjoy a great meal served at historic Trail Creek Cabin, a landmark built in 1937. This location is known in the local area as a spot where Ernest Hemingway once spent a New Year’s Eve.

Today the cabin is ready to serve the sleigh riding clientele a western meal consisting of Idaho trout or prime rib. When the meal is through there is also musical entertainment provided as riders relax in front of a warming fireplace. What could be more relaxing and enjoyable except the outdoor ride itself. The combination of great ride and a great meal can be had by making arrangements to leave the Sun Valley Inn at 6,7 or 8 p.m. on Tues. to Saturday. Three large sleds carrying up to twenty riders leave on the hour . Riders enjoy a full half hour of outdoor riding, blankets are provided. Reservations for the sleigh ride and dinner need to be made well in advance at 208-622-2135.

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Western Pleasure Guest Ranch. During the non-winter months of the year Western Pleasure Guest Ranch in Sandpoint, Idaho is a popular destination for anyone wanting a taste of life “out West”. With the help of longtime owners and operators, the Riley family, Western Pleasure ranch puts together an unforgettable combination of great scenery, well trained and cared for horses, fine accommodations and a real feeling of coming home. During the winter this superior dude ranch converts its efforts to providing winter ski packages and some of the best sleigh rides in Idaho.

Rides are given in a variety of sleighs that can perfectly accommodate that romantic couple determined to have some alone time in the snow, reunions groups, business outings or family vacations. Rides take you over a two mile course that takes you along a path that eventually takes you into the woods but along the way also treats you to a spectacular view of the Selkirk mountains. After your ride you will be invited into the lodge for some warm beverages and freshly popped pop corn. There are also sleigh ride and dinner packages available for those who choose to extend the event to include a meal.

The ride itself is offered at a most reasonable $15 per person. It is necessary to call ahead to check on availability and make arrangements at 208-263-9066.

Hap and Florence Points Memorial Sleigh Rides. In southeastern Idaho near the town of McCall you can find one of the best sleigh rides in Idaho especially if big considerations for you are a long ride, a nature laden adventure and low cost. Hap and Florence Points Memorial Sleigh Rides might be your best choice. While many sleigh rides in the western states leave from a lodge or resort and take you to a cabin where you eat a warm dinner or enjoy a fire and some warming treat. The rides are all good but many last just about a half hour. For folks who are looking for a prolonged ride experience Hap and Florence Points offer their rides fro a full hour allowing you to really get into the full beauty of the land.

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There is more to the Memorial Sleigh Rides than just magnificent scenery. The rides here take you see elk, but not like what you might see in zoo, these are elk living wild in their natural habitat. This has to be a unique adventure. But despite the length and quality of the ride you will find that the price is definitely right. Sleigh rides are offered by Hap and Florence Points at Memorial Sleigh Rides at $15 for adults , $10 for children 13-18 and $5 for children 12 and under. For the return on your money in adventure and wildlife experience this is a bargain and part of what makes Memorial Sleigh Rides a place where you can enjoy some of the best sleigh rides in Idaho. Call 208-325 – 8783 for more information and to make arrangements.

Stillwater Ranch . If you are looking for a venue that concentrates all of its efforts on providing horse drawn fun you may just find it in Sagle, Idaho at the Stillwater Ranch. This enterprise operates rides of one variety or another throughout the year. You can plan on being serviced by an experienced team and an equally experienced driver.

For much of the year Stillwater Ranch operates hay rides and also rents out some of its wagons and carriages for social and business events. But during the winter, as soon as the snow cover arrives, Stillwater Ranch is fully engrossed in the sleigh ride business and offers rides that will take you through the meadows and hills of Idaho and share with you a view of the nearby Pend Oreille River. If you choose you can make arrangements for catered events for birthdays, anniversaries, business events or whatever your social needs might be. You can make the centerpiece of any gathering a spectacular ride through the gorgeous winter setting of the Idaho countryside at Stillwater Ranch. You can make arrangements by calling 208-263-0077.