Best Rainy Day Activities for Adults

Just about everyone can find something to do on a sunny day, from sports to gardening or mowing the lawn, or from swimming to jogging, walking or playing golf. However, for many people, rainy days are rather dismal and sometimes depressing. The key to learning to make the most of a rainy day is to keep busy.

I have learned to plan ahead, especially when I check the weather forecast and find we might have several rainy days in a row. There are many times I put off doing something indoors (like paper shredding) because I prefer spending sunny days outdoors. I create little indoor projects for myself. Try rearranging linen closets or kitchen cupboards; work on the mending or sewing that has piled up; or fix minor repairs around the house that have been pushed aside, just waiting for a rainy day. I get a lot of work done on rainy days, and it gives me a sense of accomplishment at the same time.

People do not want to clean or rearrange all day long. Some people get pleasure baking or cooking, which is even more comforting on a cold, rainy day. Experimenting with a new recipe can stimulate creativity and provide a nice change to routine meals. Many folks have indoor hobbies that they may not find time for anything other time. A rainy day is a good time to work on or finish a hobby, such as ceramics, painting, coin or stamp collecting, or woodworking.

Curling up with a good book is another way to while away the hours on a rainy day. There are so many different types of books to choose from, such as autobiographies, biographies, fiction, how-to books, adventure, romance novels, mysteries, horror books, crime stories, historical novels, to innumerous types of non-fiction like philosophy or travelogues. If reading isn’t your cup of tea, there are many varieties of crossword puzzles to work on, with skill levels of easy, medium and hard. Working on jigsaw puzzles is another great way to spend a rainy day. They come in different sizes – from one hundred-fifty pieces up to fifteen hundred pieces. Jigsaw puzzles are based on pictures of landscapes, seascapes, animals, cartoon characters and everyday people. While many puzzles have a soft, shiny veneer, some have a velvet-like touch, and others are have glow-in-the-dark qualities.

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For those who prefer to be a little more physically active, you can get on the treadmill or elliptical, if you have one, or go to your local library where you can find DVDs to exercise or do Yoga. Another option, if you own a Nintendo Wii, is to work out with the Wii Sports, Wii Fit Plus or Wii Resorts. These DVDs offer a variety of physical activities and games that appeal to people of all ages.

With so many different things to do, a rainy day does not have to be boring.