Best Products to Treat the Common Cold: From Kleenex to Nasal Strips

Having a cold is NO fun whatsoever. Everybody who has suffered through one knows that. From the cough and sore throat, to headaches and body aches, and the runny, congested nose that comes with all of that. On top of those symptoms, who wants to suffer from a raw, sore nose from wiping with rough tissues? I certainly didn’t want to, that’s why with my last cold, I decided to try out some tissues that would be the most gentle and helpful for me.

1. Kleenex Anti-Viral

Not only are they soft and gentle, they help kill off the virus that causes the cold in the first place. Possibly helping to reduce the time of your cold.

According to “KLEENEX® Anti-Viral* tissue kills 99% of cold and flu viruses. A specially treated middle layer helps stop cold and flu viruses in the tissue. Keep a package in every room to help stop cold and flu viruses* in their tracks.
*In the facial tissue within 15 minutes. Virucidal against: Rhinoviruses Type 1A and 2 (rhinoviruses are the leading cause of the common cold); Influenza A and Influenza B (causes of the flu); Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV, the leading cause of lower respiratory infection in children).:

2. Kleenex with Lotion

This tissue has lotion with aloe and Vitamin E in it, which is helpful for soothing a sore nose. I would think that any tissue with lotion in it would be soothing. Go to for more information on these tissues, and other tissues that Kleenex makes.

3. Puffs Plus with Vicks

This is my favorite tissue. Similar to Vick’s VapoRub, this tissue helps clear nasal passages and helps you breathe a little easier. It is non-medicated, only scented with Vicks. There is lotion, Vitamin E, aloe and chamomile in the tissue also. The scent of Vicks includes eucalyptus and menthol. This is a very soothing tissue for your nose, however I would not recommend wiping your eyes with it – it may burn and be irritating. Go to for more info.

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Aside from tissues, I tried some cold medicine that I liked. Some of these medications may not be the right ones for you, so remember to check with your doctor, and to compare your symptoms with what the medicine treats. For example, you wouldn’t want to buy a cough syrup if you don’t even have a cough!

1. Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom Severe

This is one of the only liquid cold meds that I’ve tried that doesn’t taste horrible. It has a citrus flavor, and it is also soothing on your throat. It relives common cold symptoms such as aches, pains, sore throat, nasal congestion and cough. Since there is acetaminophen in it, do not combine with any other medicine with acetaminophen. This is a daytime formula, therefore it is non-drowsy and you can take it during the day. When your cold symptoms are really bad, I would recommend trying this medicine. Go to for more info.

2. Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold – Cherry Flavor

This is also another medicine that taste pretty good. Drop 2 tabs into 1/2 cup water, let the tabs dissolve, then drink the medicine. It helps relieve symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, sore throat, runny nose, sinus pain and headache. This medicine also contains acetaminophen, so do not combine medicines. Unlike the Tylenol medicine, Alka-Seltzer can make you drowsy, so I wouldn’t recommend taking it during the day if you will be working or driving. Take it if you are ready for bed or will be laying down. For more information on this medicine, and other medicines that Alka-Seltzer makes, go to

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3. Breathe Right Vapor Nasal Strips

They are small strips that go across your nose to help open up your nasal passages. They are especially helpful when you’re sleeping. My only warning is to not wear them for longer than directed. I forgot and left my strip on for about 11 hours, since that’s how long I slept that night, and the next morning when I woke up and took off the strip, I had a red mark across my nose that didn’t go away! Maybe the menthol on the strip burned my nose!? The product comes in different sizes, I bought the package with small/medium strips. I bought the ones that are tan-colored, but I think they also come in clear. I wasn’t worried about the color, I only wore them to bed and who would see me in them anyway, besides my boyfriend? This is definitely a product I would use in the future for nasal congestion. Go to for additional info.

During my cold, I also tried SudaCare Shower Soothers tabs that you put in the bottom of your shower, and the steam is supposed to release the vapors to help clear out your nose. Personally, it didn’t work as well for me as I thought it would. It was definitely not worth the price I paid for it (around $5 for 3 tablets). I wouldn’t recommend this product to anybody.

But I do hope that the products I reviewed will be helpful to somebody who has a cold. They sure did work for me!
