Best Podcasts for Classical Music Enthusiasts

Podcasts are a highly effective resource for people on the go, who want to stay on top of the latest news and trends, without interrupting their busy schedule. The same can be said of Classical music enthusiasts. Here is a look at five of the best podcasts for classical music lovers.

Classical Podcasts

Classical Podcasts is a formidable resource for Classical music lovers. This site features over 60,000 recordings of truly impressive displays of Classical music. The podcast is updated frequently, and has plenty to offer. Podcasts are broken down by several categories including special programs, new-comers to the Classical music scene, Classical music interpretation, history and more. This is a free podcast and can easily be listened to on the Classical Podcast website or downloaded via iTunes.

Naxos Classical Music Spotlight

Naxos Classical Music Spotlight podcast is another excellent resource for classical music enthusiasts. Naxos Classical Music Spotlight has a significant library of podcasts available on their website, and cover all topics related to the world of Classical music. These podcasts include interviews, music theory, history, show stopping performances and more. You can listen to the podcast by visiting Naxos Classical Music Spotlight.

Gramophone Classical Podcast

Gramophone Classical Podcast is an outstanding point of reference for information relating to Classical music. Proudly dubbing themselves “The world’s authority on Classical music since 1923,” Gramophone Classical offers up classical reviews, interviews, history on composers and musicians and much more. The Gramophone Classical Podcast can easily be listened to on Gramophone’s website.

London Philharmonic Orchestra Podcast

TheLondon Philharmonic Orchestra Podcast is recorded monthly, but you can easily play catch-up by downloading past episodes by visiting The London Philharmonic Orchestra website or by subscribing to their RSS feed. This podcast features all the concert information you could possibly want or need, as well as discussions about musicians, classical pieces and more. The London Philharmonic Orchestra podcast is a solid resource for instrumental music fans.

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Maestro Independent Classical Spotlight Podcast

Another podcast that will interest musicians and music lovers alike is the Maestro Independent Classical Spotlight. Maestro Independent Classical Spotlight features album reviews, music theory, musician performances and more. The Maestro Independent Classical Spotlight has many episodes available for your listening pleasure and can be downloaded via iTunes, Rhapsody or RSS feed.

There are few better ways for Classical music fans to get the latest news, trends, history and reviews that by tuning in to a quality Classical music podcast. The podcasts listed above are just a few of the high quality resources available to Classical music enthusiasts. Although the Classical era ended over 190 years ago, the masterful sounds of the era live on in the hearts of musicians and Classical music fans.

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