Best Places for Part-time Jobs in Melbourne, Florida for College Students

As a full time student, a good part time job is important for making extra cash, and keeping up my GPA. I’ve tried out several jobs and have found a few places that are my favorite places to work. I’ve put a list together of some of the best places in Melbourne to get a part-time job.


Currently I’m employed at Starbucks. I have to say that this is so far the best place that I have worked at for a part-time job. They are very flexible with students, and will work around your school schedule. Since I am a student this works out perfectly. It is also a good part-time job if you are a working mother and need flexibility. It’s a great atmosphere to work in, and everyone that I work with is very friendly and easy to get along with. During my second week of work I came down with a really bad flu, and they were very understanding about the whole situation, which I really appreciated. I was nervous that I might get laid off since it was only my second week and I had to call out, but they were very understanding. A great advantage to working at a Starbucks is that they are voted one of the best fortune 500 companies to work for. They offer all of their employee’s health benefits after 3 months of employment. You are also guaranteed a raise after 6 consecutive months of employment. An extra little bonus for working at a Starbucks is the unlimited free coffee during your shift and a half hour before and after your shift. As a Starbucks addict, I’m saving tons of money that I would be spending their if I didn’t work there. So if you are looking for something flexible with an excellent atmosphere, with health benefits I would recommend heading to your nearest Starbucks for a job application.


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The company that is famous for their excellent marketing techniques is always looking for good employees to add to their company. During the Holidays is the perfect time to get your foot into the door as a part-time seasonal employee. Once you get in, and show that you are a hard worker they won’t want to let you go. Target is a company that has good values, and offer competitive pay compared to other retailers. Everyone shops at Target, so why not get a part-time job to save money with your employee discount. There are several different types of job positions available to part-time employees at Target.

Bar-tender Fridays

Are you a night owl? Do you stay up late, and get up late? Bar-tending could be the perfect part-time job for you. You will need to put a couple hundred dollars out up front in order to go to bar-tending classes, but your money will soon be paid back once you start working. Bar tending is a good job if you want to work minimum hours with the most pay. You may only need to work two nights a week to make what you would be making 4 or 5 nights a week at another part-time job. Friday’s is a great atmosphere, and is always busy in Melbourne. There are not many bars in Melbourne, so a lot of the locals head to Fridays. The music is always good, and they have a great happy hour special. If your not shy and like talking to people, and can smile you will make good tips.

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Starbucks, Target, and Fridays are three great places to work part-time especially if your attending college and need flexibility. Hopefully one of these places will strike your interest. Good luck job hunting!