Best iPhone and iPad Apps for Dog and Cat Lovers

For pet lovers, dogs and cats are like members of the family. Plus, they’re cute, lovable bundles of joy. How can pet lovers possibly enjoy the bliss of having a wonderful dog or cat more than they already do? There are apps for that!

Dogbook and Catbook, Free

Dogbook and Catbook are like Facebook, only for dogs and cats. You get a profile similar to a Facebook profile, with photo sharing, status updates, friends, and a wall. You can even check in at your favorite pet-friendly locations!

Dog Translator and Cat Translator, Free

These translators are not at all useful, or to be taken seriously. What they are is entertaining. The best dog-to-human translations are the truly funny, bizarre ones that are completely unexpected.

Find Pet Friendly Hotels, Free

This is a very handy app when you want to take your furry friend on a trip with you. It is nearly impossible for these to be completely accurate, however, as hotels may change their rules at any time. It’s a great free way to look up possible locations. Just call any hotels you find ahead to make sure their policies are still the same. You will also want to ask whether there are any additional fees, or a deposit. Sometimes there can be additional hidden costs when bringing a pet along, and you don’t want to be caught off guard.

Instagram, Free

If you don’t mind Instagram’s new privacy policies, the app is a great fun way to share pet photos. Some people hate pet photos, and some people love them. Don’t worry, your friends who hate your pet photos can always “unfollow” you.

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Pictures With Words, Free; Pro version, $0.99

If you want to take Instagram to the next level, use Pictures With Words first to add funny captions and emoticons to your pet photos. If you have a knack for thinking up funny things your pets could be thinking, your photos could become famous with those of us who love that sort of thing.

Pet First Aid: for Your Dog, Cat, Puppy, or Kitten, $3.99

This app is an amazing tool for anyone with a pet. It offers informational articles, videos, and illustrations on what to do to keep your pet healthy, and what kind of professional help to seek when you need additional help. You can even store all of your pet’s medical information so it’s handy when you take your pet to the veterinarian.

According to a quote on the information page, this app has literally saved the lives of beloved pets. The ratings are fantastic, and most of the reviews absolutely rave about the app. It’s easy to see why.

There are two things that make this app truly invaluable for any pet owner. The first is that it offers tutorial videos, which are exceedingly helpful. The other is that all the information is available offline. If you have a pet emergency, but have no Internet connection, you’ll be thanking your lucky stars that you decided to buy the app.