Best Hole Cards in Texas Hold ‘Em

Texas Hold ‘Em is a game of skill, but knowing when the odds are in your favor is one of the greatest advantages for a poker player. On this theme, this is a list of the best hole cards in the game.

Hole cards are the two cards that you start off with during the game of Texas Hold ‘Em. Both cards are dealt face down, followed later by a 5 card pot that is shared by everyone on the table.

The hole cards on this list are listed and then followed by the precent of the time that they win on a table with 10 players. All stats were derived from Percentages built using Wilson Turbo Texas Hold’em. The list is:

Ace Ace 31%
King King 26.02%
Queen Queen 22.03%
Ace King (suited) (Big Slick) 20.19%
Jack Jack 19.09%
Ace Queen (suited) 18.66%
King Queen (suited) 18.08%
Ace Jack (suited) 17.47%
King Jack (suited) 17.05%
Ten Ten 16.83%
Ace King (Big Slick) 16.67%
Ace Ten (suited) 16.63%
Queen Jack (suited) 16.58%
King Ten (suited) 16.14%
Queen Ten (suited) 15.84%
Jack Ten (suited) 15.78%
99 15.29%
Ace Queen 14.87%
Ace 9(suited) 14.6%
King Queen 14.43%
88 14.16%
King 9(suited) 14.15%
Ten 9(suited) 14.07%
Ace 8(suited) 13.89%
Queen 9(suited) 13.82%
Jack 9(suited) 13.80%
Ace Jack 13.45%
Ace 5(suited) 13.43%
77 13.36%
Ace 7(suited) 13.35%
King Jack 13.18%
Ace 4(suited) 13.17%
Ace 3(suited) 13.07%
Ace 6(suited) 12.97%
Queen Jack 12.89%
66 12.77%
King 8(suited) 12.77%
Ten 8(suited) 12.73%
Ace 2(suited) 12.69%
98(suited) 12.63%
Jack 8(suited) 12.47%
Ace Ten 12.43%
Queen 8(suited) 12.42%
King 7(suited) 12.23%
King Ten 12.23%
55 (“Speed Limit”) 12.15%
Jack Ten 12.13%
87(suited) 12.02%
Queen Ten 11.99%
44 11.94%
33 11.93%
22 11.86%
King 6(suited) 11.84%
97(suited) 11.74%
King 5(suited) 11.57%
76(suited) 11.47%
Ten 7(suited) 11.47%
King 4(suited) 11.4%
King 2(suited) 11.27%
King 3(suited) 11.26%
Queen 7(suited) 11.20%
86(suited) 11.16%
65(suited) 11.13%
Jack 7(suited) 11.12%
54(suited) 10.90%
Queen 6(suited) 10.85%
75(suited) 10.69%
96(suited) 10.65%
Queen 5(suited) 10.55%
64(suited) 10.44%
Queen 4(suited) 10.43%
Queen 3(suited) 10.42%
Ten 9 10.38%
Ten 6(suited) 10.31%
Queen 2(suited) 10.28%
Ace 9 10.20%
53(suited) 10.18%
85(suited) 10.12%
Jack 6(suited) 10.10%

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Some other random poker odds:

The odds of getting three-of-a-kind on the flop when you are holding a pocket pair is 7-1. The odds of catching the three-of-a-kind on the turn is 11-1 and on the river it is 20-1.

The odds of making a flush after the flop is: 3-1 with two cards left and 5-1 on the river.