Best Free Online Auctions

Many people around the world have fallen into the credit trap, they have purchased items they either did not need or became more of a luxury than a necessity. Now is the perfect time to go through the items you can live without and get them up for sale to capitalize on the biggest and best selling period of the year.

We are living amongst the most economic turmoil since the 1920’s so I decided to take a look at how to take advantage of the situation and show you how to make some money with a few of the best online auctions.

I have reviewed three of my favorite online auction sites offering free listings and your best chance of selling your items with little or no fees.

Firstly, I cannot get away from, this newly rebuilt site is so easy to use and all of us here that have tried it absolutely love it. The site has free stores, free listings, superior customer service and a friendly live support service which really make this site stand out. Simple importing of listings and feedback from eBay make this a real winner along with the ability for users to interact with global chat. Plunderhere won over Bonanzle because you can choose between a simple and fast listing or a more complex one whereas Bonanzle below is very fast to list an item but has no other choices.

My second choice is, a new site on the auction scene but fun to use and has a combined community feel to it although I can’t help thinking, as this site grows, “who on earth will pay any fees”? All users’ email and telephone details are showing in full view of everybody else’s and that is even before you join or log in! .This site also has a user chat system and a very simple cut and paste image program to get your images into a listing in record time.

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Third on my list is, this is a nice and clean and site and very easy to get around. It has a nice general feel to it although lacks the interaction of the above two. Even so, don’t overlook Blujay as a good alternative to the big Bay.

A few tips before you start:

Always make sure you add accurate information on your product and when adding to any auction make sure it looks attractive. I look at so many listings and cannot understand why people bother as many are so messy, poorly worded and look at it this way, when you have finished your listing, whilst looking at it ask yourself. “Would I buy this”? If answer is ‘no’ go in and edit it until it looks presentable and ready for somebody to buy on impulse.

Add as many decent images as you can, the better it looks, the more likely somebody will buy it.

Do you offer pay options that are easy to use and have a safe method for a buyer to deal with non delivery of item or a dispute?

All the very best with your selling experiences, always remember, spread your wings. If you have a number of items make sure you pick two or three good auction sites until you get some success with any single one.

Happy listing!
