Best Extended Stay Hotels in Chicago

When you are looking for an extended stay hotel option in the Chicago area there are in fact many options where you can stay for an extended period of time and not have to deal with the rigmarole and corporate structuring of hotels. While this may come as something of a revelation to the hotel dwelling business traveler, the fact is that you can often get better rates and unquestionably find better service at these other, less used options. Don’t be the last one on the bus – get with the program choose these otherwise overlooked local extended stay options in Chicago.

One of the best places you can stay in Chicago is the China Doll Guesthouse. The China Doll Guesthouse is something of an anomaly because of the very distinct flavor at all of its locations. The property at China Doll Guesthouse includes three beautifully kept and furnished individual locations as well as a boat if you’d like to stay out on Lake Michigan.

While many people may not like to mix business with pleasure, the fact is that even the business traveler who happens to be staying at the China Doll Guesthouse is treated with numerous amenities. The owner of the China Doll Guesthouse, Jim Haring, was a former business traveler himself. This makes his insights into the layout and design of the China Doll Guesthouse that much more pertinent for the business traveler. At the China Doll Guesthouse there is an office area which includes a computer equipped with Microsoft office, high-speed cable internet, scanner, fax, black-and-white laser printer, as well as the ability to print in color if needed. There is also ample stationery, a full kitchen, relaxing living area, and other supplies at the China Doll Guesthouse. If you are on an extended stay in Chicago you should definitely consider the China Doll Guesthouse.

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Another great spot for the road weary business traveler in Chicago is the Bridgeport Bed and Breakfast. Located in a different neighborhood from China Doll, the Bridgeport Bed and Breakfast is no less valid a choice for the business traveler. Particularly when you are on an extended stay and you need to be traveling all over the Chicago metropolitan area, a place like the Bridgeport Bed and Breakfast could be the answer.

Run by innkeeper Dave Samber, the Bridgeport Bed and Breakfast is an excellent extended stay hotel option in Chicago if for no other reason than because of its unique charm and characteristics which will always make you feel at home. Innkeeper Dave also runs a wonderful restaurant just downstairs from the Bridgeport Bed and Breakfast which will always keep you heartily filled with food from morning through night. Privacy and peace are very important to the extended stay business traveler and the fact that you get both in a place like the Bridgeport Bed and Breakfast makes it a great extended stay option for your visit to Chicago.
