Best Dog Breeds for Young Children

Most parents, if they love both their children and their pets, worry about mixing the two. Dogs provide companionship for children and adults, but some dog breeds are unsafe for small children and might injure them – either intentionally or accidentally.

If you are thinking about purchasing or adopting a dog for your kids, you are likely searching for the best dog breeds. Which are protective of small children? Which play best with kids? Which are sufficiently active to keep up with your progeny?

Most dog lovers have a list of breeds they feel are the “best,” whether based on size or temperament, or performance in the show ring. When considering the best dog breeds for small children, however, parents must take their personal feelings out of the equation and evaluate each breed objectively.

1- Golden Retriever

Viewed almost universally as intelligent, kind, protective, sensitive creatures, golden retrievers rank high on the list of best dog breeds for young children. They become quickly attached to members of their human families, and most goldens are extremely affectionate with everyone they meet.

According to, golden retrievers are generally safe for young children, but they are rambunctious and can accidentally knock kids down while playing. As with any dog, parents must supervise dog-child interactions to ensure safety.

2- Boston Terrier

Some of the best dog breeds for children are those that fall in the “medium size” category. This is because they are large enough that they won’t be trampled or otherwise hurt by kids, but small enough that they won’t cause any damage themselves. This is the case with the Boston terrier.

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The AKC describes the Boston terrier as a “lively and highly intelligent breed with an excellent disposition.” They have the added benefit of short hair (less shedding) and a low exercise requirement.

3- Australian Shepherd

For more than ten years, my uncle has raised Australian shepherds for Agility and as companion pets, and he swears by their temperaments and their unparalleled sense of loyalty. These make the best dog breeds for children because they are at the same time lovable and independent.

Another benefit of the Australian shepherd is that they are extremely obedient. They like to have a job – whether it is to herd sheep, jump through hoops of fire or take care of the children in your family – and they take their “responsibilities” easier. This makes them easy to manage in a family environment.

4- Beagle

Hounds are often considered the best dog breeds for young children, and none more so than the beagle. This small, friendly, energetic dog is extremely sensitive and fits well in the family lifestyle. Your beagle will form immediate bonds with your children and will guard them faithfully.

They are short-hair dogs, which means less clean-up, but they are also prone to digging and getting into trouble if their minds aren’t occupied. These dogs often respond well to crate training as indoor pets and enjoy playing games or learning new skills.

5- Labrador Retriever

When searching for the best dog breeds for children, don’t overlook the Labrador retriever. These dogs are extremely trainable and, although large, very safe for kids. They have water-resistant coats that make them ideal for splashing around in the pool with the family, and they love learning obedience.

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Choosing Dogs for Kids

There are numerous other dog breeds that are perfectly safe for children, many of which might have qualities that surpass those listed above. It is also true that the right dog for one family might be totally inappropriate for another.

For example, in a family where both parents work and the kids are at school or day care all day, a beagle might not be the best choice of dog breeds. They are highly social and require constant stimulation.

It is also important to consider any other pets in the house. If you have a cat, dog breeds that are good with young children but antagonistic toward felines would not be good candidates.

Furthermore, a mutt is a good choice for many families. They can be best with small children because they combine the qualities of numerous dog breeds into one.

Sources:, Golden Retriever FAQ

AKC, Boston Terrier