Best Breast Cancer Charities

There are so many charities dedicated to breast cancer that it can be difficult to know which to support with your donations. In order to identify five of the best breast cancer charities, I consulted the Charity Navigator, an independent organization that evaluates the financial health of American charities. Its ratings reflect how efficiently a charity uses the donations it receives and to what extent it is growing its programs and services.

Charity Navigator’s highest rating is four stars, which denotes a charity that “exceeds industry standards and outperforms most charities in its Cause.” Each of the top five breast cancer charities discussed below has a four-star rating from the Charity Navigator.

Breast Cancer Research Foundation. As its name suggests, this organization is about research aimed at preventing and curing breast cancer. Its website notes that more than 85 cents of every dollar donated goes toward cancer research and awareness programs, including funding for innovative clinical and translational research at medical centers worldwide. Among other things, its website ( provides extensive information about the scientists currently receiving funding from the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and major research accomplishments.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Susan G Komen for the Cure was founded by Nancy G. Brinker in 1982 in honor of her sister Susan G. Komen, who died of breast cancer. It is a major contributor to cancer research: since its founding, Susan G Komen for the Cure has helped to train more than 400 cancer researchers and funded more than 1,400 cancer research projects. As a result, it is the largest source of nonprofit funds for the fight against breast cancer in the world. In fact, this breast cancer charity has spent more on cancer research and community health programs than any entity with the exception of the U.S. government. For more information go to

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Breast Cancer Network of Strength. This organization’s goal is to support those with breast cancer and those touched by the disease by providing information, empowerment and peer support. Support is provided, in part, through a 24/7 toll-free hot line staffed by trained breast cancer survivors, email, and support groups. In addition, this breast cancer charity funds outreach programs, breast health awareness workshops, wigs and prostheses banks for those with limited means, and advocacy on breast-cancer policies. To learn more about this breast cancer charity go to

National Breast Cancer Foundation. The National Breast Cancer Foundation’s mission is to “save lives by increasing awareness of breast cancer through education and providing mammograms for those in need.” It provides resources to increase early detection of breast cancer and to inform and support those (and their families and loved ones) who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, including an online support group. For more information go to

Living Beyond Breast Cancer. LBBC ( was founded in 1991 by radiation oncologist, Marisa C. Weiss, MD. This breast cancer charity’s goal is to “empower all women living with breast cancer to live as long as possible with the best quality of life” by providing breast cancer information and support to those with the disease, their family members, their caregivers, their friends and their healthcare providers.

Sources:, BCRF: providing critical funding for innovative clinical and genetic research, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Charity Navigator – Charities Working to Prevent and Cure Breast Cancer

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