Behind the Sagittarius Man and Woman

Behind the Sagittarius Man and Woman

You may find this to be very interesting or could not believe any of it at all. Not many people believe in zodiac signs and think that each individual acts they way they do because it’s there own character. Sure each person has there own character but there zodiac sign is a lot of why they are who they are. If you would like to know the in scoop on a Sagittarius now is your chance to see how they are in a relationship, on the job, as a friend, as a child, or just as a person in general.

Sagittarius- November 22nd– December 21st which is a fire sign

These people are freedom-loving, intelligent, and jovial. They are known for being understanding and principled. They love to learn and travel.

The Sagittarius man is very well traveled, well read, and thoroughly likable. He has a broad and all encompassing view of life as well as boundless enthusiasm. They have to love not just like the work that they do. Their career concerns often take them away from there family but they are not as driven and ambitious as the other fire signs. They can tend to be a little old fashioned. They always put a positive spin on events and looking for that proverbial pot. They enjoy showing off there athletic side by playing sports with there pals. They normally keep themselves in good physical condition.

The Sagittarius woman is a friendly and sociable type person she also is outgoing. They are normally known for being blunt speakers and normally speak there minds a lot without worrying how someone is going to act or what they will say. They love to travel and are curious about other lands and cultures. She is known for being bold and isn’t afraid to take risks. They have a tendency to put on weight in there middle ages. They normally have there own fashion.

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The Sagittarius child is adventurous from the time they are born. Since they are so eager to explore this world they often crawl, talk, and walk sooner then other infants. They tend to think big. From the time they are little they begin to appreciate the value of things and the satisfaction that they can bring to this life. They are known for normally liking to get an education. They normally get into activities. He or she needs a lot of freedom, but will normally use it wisely.

The Sagittarius lover want to have romance in there lives as long as it doesn’t cut into there personal autonomy. They stay away from needy or demanding people. They like to have there personal space. Almost immediately when they fall in love they begin to worry what they will have to give up. And because of this they could put off getting into anything really serious. They can tend to leave a relationship out of fear of giving up something that takes from there freedom. They refuse to let the relationship get boring and are always looking for excitement to bring into it.

The Sagittarius boss makes a great boss and it isn’t easy to find someone else who can do the role better then him or her. They can see potential in even the most ordinary employee. They make good judges. It’s not likely for this person to play favorites. They normally have an open door policy. Employees can come to this person for advise even if it isn’t work related.

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The Sagittarius friend makes excellent friends, and due to them having so many interests they can have any friend from every walk of life. Their ideal of fun is getting together for a sport event weather to watch it or play it. They are great for a travel partner. They can make any journey more enjoyable due to known interesting facts, and doing side trips.