Beets Are an Excellent Source of Nutrients, Vitamins and Minerals for Today’s Diet

Beets are a highly nutritious root, good for heart and colon health. There are many wonderful ways to incorporate beets into the daily diet.

Beets come in many varieties these days. Growing up in the 1950s and 1960s my Dad grew beets in the garden out back. Mom regularly canned beets, summer after summer, and one of the things I loved was peeling them. Beets are interesting in that if cooked whole, and allowed to cool slightly, the skins can easily be slipped off.

Unfortunately, just growing up eating beets summer after summer is not enough to guarantee that one will like them. Some of my sisters do not, while others, like me, love them.

Beets in Recipes

Sliced cooked beets are wonderful in a salad. A layer of some baby greens, a few slices of beets, a little soft goat cheese and a handful of walnuts makes a terrific salad with just a light dressing. Beets just cooked or steamed are perfect for salad, though pickled beet slices are also wonderful.

Make a delicious relish by roasting 3 medium beets wrapped in foil. Place them on a small baking sheet and bake at 400 degrees for an hour or until tender when pierced with a sharp knife. Saute a coarsely chopped half onion in some olive oil until soft and translucent. Add in 2 peeled, cored and small diced apples to the pan and toss until they just begin to soften. Add in salt and pepper, along with 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar and 3 tablespoons of honey. A grating of nutmeg is also a nice touch. Once the beets are baked, allow them to cool enough to handle. Peel them by rubbing the skins off. Using gloves will prevent hands and nails from turning pink. Cut the beets into small dice and add to the apples and onions. Mix and allow flavors to meld for at least 2 hours. This is a delicious relish or side dish, good enough to eat alone.

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Beets and Swiss chard are members of the same plant family. The beet greens can be eaten in the same ways, and the lively bitter taste is delightful. They are incredibly rich in nutrients, particularly beta carotene and lutein. A quick saute of beet greens with a few other vegetables make a quick and light stir fry.

Beets can be eaten raw also, grated onto a salad. They can be made into a similar beet and horseradish dish but all done fresh. Use fresh beets, finely grated and fresh horseradish finely grated, to taste. Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Beet Varieties

There are beet varieties available these days I had never heard of as a child, but available in many places today. Chioggia beets are the most beautiful pink and white striped color. Spiraled layers of color make them a delight to the eyes as well as the stomach. Golden beets are just that, bright golden yellow inside. They are slightly less sweet than red beets, but also less earthy, which is sometimes the complaint people have about beets in general.

In a University of Wisconsin paper ” Latest new-age, health supplements: Garlic, kale and beets?” Food Scientist Kirk Parkin shared his thoughts about the health properties of beets. Some of the healthiest properties of beets are delicate. Over baking or cooking will lessen the amounts of the folate and lutein available. Beets are extremely high in heart healthy folate. They have great anti inflammatory properties and are incredibly high in fiber, making them great for colon health. They are also a good source of manganese and vitamin C. Make beets a part of your diet and begin reaping the rewards.

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Thank you for taking the time to read my article. I hope it was informative and helped you along your own culinary journey.
