Become an Avon Representative Now

Avon has great products, but there used to be a time when you could buy the products without being asked to become an Avon representative. Go to a business showcase and if there’s an Avon booth the representatives will try to tempt you into choosing a part or full time career with them. They say, “Avon sells itself.” Then why worry about recruiting new sales representatives. And the answer is, They make money. You have to buy your way into the business. It’s not what you call a massive amount, but it’s priced at $10.

The representative who persuades you into getting started in the Avon business will receive the $10. I’m guessing they’ll have to show you the ropes and get you set-up through a quick explanation of here’s what you do. Besides the $10 you’ll probably be paying an extra fee for the Avon books to give potential customers. I do know Avon representatives have to purchase the samples to give away. Although if you choose not to buy samples to give away you can, you just won’t have any for someone to try if they are really interested in a product.

Avon representatives selling the idea of choosing a career with them will tell you that “As a representative you will receive discounts off of Avon products and that will save you money. Why buy the products at full price when you can get them at a discount? It doesn’t matter if you sell to anyone, but yourself. You’ll save money.” My question to those cunning talkers is “Why don’t you give me a discount instead of trying to get me to sell Avon? It seems to me that selling items at a discount or pricing them as sale items every now and then would bring more business to you, the Avon representative, and knock out the need to get new recruits.” New recruits mean more competition and fewer customers.

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Avon has even started running commercials on television trying to get people interested in working for them. They flash a number to call and a web-site address to go to for those curious about the whole thing. Avon used to go door to door. I’ve noticed representatives, trying to drum up business, drop a book off in yards with their address and a phone number to call if someone wants to order something. Could it be just another ploy to get people to sell Avon?

If you find an Avon book in your yard go ahead and look through it if you’d like. It might be that the Avon representative wants you as a customer and in the long run they’ll make more money from selling you stuff. And in that case they’ll probably pay you a visit at your house to drop off your order and every now and then they might stop by to bring you a book instead of tossing it in your yard.