Bathroom Decor Ideas on a Budget

Changing the look of a bathroom need not be a bank breaking activity. Mentioned below are some bathroom decor ideas that can be done with a limited budget.

Before starting work on the bathroom one must have a clear idea on the theme of the bathroom. Some possible themes include ultra modern, old country style, fantasy, nature, rustic cabin, mosaic, character based, movie based, etc. Once the theme has been finalized all other bathroom decor ideas will be based on this central theme.

Instead of stripping away and replacing bathroom furniture like cupboards, cabinets and shelves, it is far most cost effective to paint this furniture based on the theme selected for the bathroom. New color paint can transform a bathroom. Unlike the living room or drawing room, the bathroom is a room where one can use bold colors and where one can experiment with multiple colors. Basic color principles can be applied to the bathroom too. So if the bathroom is small, use a light colors on the walls to give the feeling of space. Cool colors like blue give the feeling of coolness and are better suited to warm climates. If the bathroom is large, then use darker colors like red to make it cosier. If the central theme is to have a rich classic look then cream, beige and gold are appropriate colors.

Other bathroom decor ideas include the use of patterns like geometric shapes, lines, curves, random shapes in the bathroom. Take care that these patterns compliment the central theme of the bathroom. Also basic design principles should be adhered to; for instance too many complex and dark patterns in a small bathroom will make it look crowded and claustrophobic. The patterns should also be painted on the furniture (cabinets, shelves, etc) so that there is uniformity and symmetry in the bathroom.

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Add accessories that pamper you. Pots of potpourri, aromatic candles, aromatherapy oils and flowers (real or artificial) are bathroom decor ideas to give the bathroom a spa like quality. Add minor luxuries like bubble bath, bath salts, soft towels, a music player, etc to give that feeling of luxury. Add a large mirror with lights on the sides.

For existing bathrooms that have ceramic tiles that are not consistent with the new theme, the options are to either replace the tiles with new tiles or paint over the tiles.

Add personality to the room. Place design theme appropriate picture(s) or print(s) on walls where water will not splash. For instance, in a children’s bathroom whose central theme is Disney, pictures of Disney characters can be put up. Put up a shelf or cabinet where personal things like china, figurines, display items, books, can be displayed. In case there is natural light in the bathroom a plant can be placed in it.

The above bathroom decor ideas can completely transform the bathroom on a limited budget.