Baskin Robbins Shake Tops 2009 List of Worst American Foods Revealed

It does not require a diet food expert to explain that eating healthy might not be in your stars when you include what has been termed the “worst food” at Baskin Robbins. Although not generally equated with bad food or even the fat laden fast food, Baskin Robbins is not associated with healthy food by any stretch of the imagination.

Men’s Health Christens Baskin Robbins Shake America’s Worst Food

It did not take long for Men’s Health magazine to name the worst food in America, and topping the list is Baskin Robbins large chocolate Oreo shake with a whopping 2,600 calories, 135 grams of fat, and 263 grams of sugar. Although the Baskin Robbins site only lists the medium Oreo shake nutritional information, it shows why eating healthy when indulging in this shake is virtually as bad as eating fast food for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Yahoo Health and Men’s Health Crowned Baskin Robbins Worst Drink Last Year

It is a sad state of affairs when the worst food of 2009 is brought to you by the same company that was rated in 2008 as offering the unhealthiest drink. Yahoo Health reports that Baskin Robbins’ large Heath bar shake weighed in at 2,310 calories, consisting of 266 grams of sugar and 108 grams of fat.

Obesity in California

Obesity in America suggests that corpulence is the “second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S.,” claiming that the number of overweight adults tops 127 million, with 60 million being considered medically obese. California, local ground zero for this writer, has always had the reputation of being populated by those with fit and sun kissed bodies – perhaps it is the closeness to Hollywood that fosters this myth – but a leisurely stroll down Wilshire might cure you of this misconception rather quickly.

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Sure enough, the University of California reports that California is resting on its laurels, ostensibly while slurping a Baskin Robbins shake, as of its population there are 63.4% of overweight or obese men and 45.2% of overweight or obese women. It is telling that the study goes on to declare that 25% of the caloric intake is derived from – among other things – sweets and desserts.

Profitability of Calories

Biz Ben lists the Orange County Baskin Robbins for sale and suggests that the sale of ice cream and calorie laden shakes is rather profitable, to the tune of an annual adjusted net take reaching $90,000. Is the expanding Californian girth in part to blame on this establishment’s high calorie shakes?

While it may appear that I am picking on Baskin Robbins and their sale of the “worst food in America,” it should be pointed out that such calorie bombs abound on the menus of eateries everywhere. It is just rare to actually have somebody list them by name.
