Basic Life Skills Children Should Learn

As a teacher who has taught Special Education to mentally handicapped teenage and adult learners, I have been surprised to see how many young people were never taught the basic life saving skills that they may one day need. While parents think that they will always be there for their children, children of special needs especially, need to become as self-sufficient as possible. In life, there are many things children need to know, the following are the most important things I have gone over with my students, in the event that they will have to try to help themselves independently. As these are intentionally directed for special needs, particularly those that are mentally handicapped, students, all children can benefit from these life skills.

One of the most important things for all children regardless of ability, to learn is how to swim. While you may not live near the coast or a lake, there are always pools available and should your child accidentally fall in, swimming knowledge can help save their life. Also, the tragic events of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita last year have shown just how dangerous flooding can become. Should you or your child ever encounter a situation with sudden flooding which requires strong aquatic skills, you want your child to know how to face water with confidence, not fear it. Also, consider your child’s future. Does your child want an occupation which requires swimming skills such as a marine biologist, boat captain, or even want to enlist in the military? If so, learning swimming skills at an early age is even more helpful.

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Another important skill to learn, particularly for teenagers and young adults, is how to get from point A to point B. While most parents can transport their children places, sometimes emergences can occur, and young people need to find a way home. Teaching your child how to read a bus schedule and take a bus is an important skill that is valuable for life. Bus riding is especially important for special needs children who may need to get to their vocational job training. This skill teaches independence while building the child’s confidence at the same time. It also teaches the special needs child routine and provides them with a comfort level that they can handle.

Finally the last important life skill is internet safety. Children, regardless of ability, need to learn that the internet can be an informative and entertaining avenue, but it can also be dangerous. They need to be taught about the dangers of giving out personal information, how to respond to unsolicited requests, and when in doubt, to contact an adult. Also, it is a good idea for parents to monitor their child’s activity, as even trusted websites can get hacked into and corrupted with inappropriate material, as I myself have experienced. In these situations, it is always best to stay on top of your child’s activity so they won’t fall prey to scam artists and criminal minds.

More life topics and resources for parents who have a mentally handicapped child can be found by contacting your local ARC organization or by visiting their website.

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