Basic Care of a Cocker Spaniel

Cocker Spaniels are high maintenance animals. But they are also loving, gentle and perfect animal to have around the house. Cocker like to have their own space, so having a special place for them is important. Some cockers prefer pillows, other prefer the cool floor.

Vaccinations of Cocker Spaniels

It is important to vaccinate your pet every year. Depending on the state you live in, different states require different vaccinations. Check with your local pound if in doubt. If needing less expensive vaccinations sites, check your local PetSmart. They do yearly vaccinations inside the store. Each time we have gone, the vet doing the vaccinations has been more than helpful and was very gentle with our pet.

Food and Allergies

Cockers are known to have allergies. Chicken and corn are just a few that your Cocker Spaniel may find them allergic to. You general signs of an allergy include rashes and excessive itching. Believe me, if they are allergic, there will be signs.

To avoid the allergies, read all the back labels of any food your give your dog. Stay away from foods that Cockers are prone to have allergies too. If you have a hard time finding a food, you can always head to the vet. They always have allergy free foods. Although more expensive, they are well worth the expense.

Grooming your Cocker Spaniel

Grooming is a daily exercise in every house of a Cocker Spaniel. If you don’t brush your dog regularly, the Cocker will get mats in its hair. Take it from a Cocker owner, brush them daily. It is worth the sacrifice. After a while, you will get in a habit of enjoying the soft curly hair of a Cocker; especially if it is groomed often.

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Keeping the hair on and around the ears of the Cocker Spaniel, will not only keep the Cocker cooler, but will also safeguard against future ear infections. If you are grooming yourself, stay away from scissors as it is easy to cut the Cockers ear.

Ear Maintenance of your Cocker Spaniel

Ear Infections. If you are own a cocker spaniel, you know how often cocker spaniels tend to have these. Once your cocker has an ear infection, the harder it is to get rid of it. If you have been to the vet, like I have, you know how many different antibiotics our cockers tend to go through. In order to keep your Cocker from getting ear infections, keep the hair around the ear kept short, or shaved. It is vital that you clean the ear out regularly. That means, got to your local pet store, buy some ear cleaner. Now you can douse a cotton ball with the liquid, rub it into the ear of the Cocker. You will get rid of any junk that was inside. Keep your dog’s ear clean, this will help future ear infections from happening.

Bathing your Cocker Spaniel

If you take your Cocker to a groomer then you are in good shape. If you decide to bath your Cocker Spaniel at home, try to use not only a flea resistant shampoo, but a shampoo with scents. As I prefer Vanilla, I look for a shampoo with a Vanilla scent. This not only helps the cocker smell good, but also keeps this skin and fur healthy.

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By keeping your Cocker Spaniel groomed, vaccinated, allergy free you will find that you will have a much happier Cocker Spaniel. There is nothing like seeing a beautiful Cocker prance by in the park. They are not only beautiful but amazing to watch as they prance along with the curly fur. Your Cocker can look this way too with a little tender loving care.