Bad MagicJack Voice Quality? Here’s Why

Do you have bad magicJack voice quality? There are a number of people who seem to have terrible voice quality when using the magicJack phone service. Yet, there are still commercials that come on like the company is running strong. Although there are many people who have a hard time with magicJack voice quality, there are many people who have no problem at all with the magicJack.

The problem that most people have the magicJack is that they are trying to save too much money. The magicJack is very cheap to maintain over time, but it still requires certain things to operate successfully. Many people try to couple the magicJack with the cheapest highspeed internet that they can find. The problem with this is that services such as DSL Lite or Clear Home Basic do not provide enough upload bandwidth. A good magicJack internet connection should be at least 1Mbps on upload and download. The services above offer those speeds on the download side, but they do not offer those speeds on the upload side. If you are using Clear 4G then you won’t be able to use the Clear Home Basic speed. If you are using DSL then you will need to at least have the FastAccess DSL 6.0. You may be able to get good service with 0.5Mbps, but the FastAccess DSL 768k only offers 128kps upload bandwidth which is only about 0.12Mbps.

A lack of upload can cause terrible voice quality on any VoIP service, not just magicJack. This is also a major cause for bad voice quality on Vonage phones. This can also include those who also use Skype or any other messenger calling system. The only way to solve this problem is to upgrade your internet speed. If you are getting cable internet then you usually don’t have to worry about anything. Cable internet is naturally faster than DSL and wireless 4G internet services. The most important things to worry about when it comes to magicJack voice quality is making sure you are allowing a good quality of service by having enough upload bandwidth and a good phone.