Back-to-School Shopping Tips for Budget-Savvy Parents

Are you ready to open your wallet for school supplies and clothing this season? The list of “I want” seems to exceeding the “I need, ” well, at least, in my home. While some parents and grandparents may feel a little more confident about the economy these days, I’m still looking for sales and clipping coupons, which remain the rules for our back-to-school shopping trips.

Here are some tips to help stretch the almighty dollar on your next shopping excursion.

Check first before you go. Taking an inventory of the school clothes your children have from last year is of utmost importance. No need to buy too many of the same shirts, socks and such when you have a stockpile of reusable clothing. And the same for school supplies – pens, pencils, rulers and paper don’t go out of style from one year to the next.

Jot down a list. Most schools in my area provide the parents with a list of school supplies the week or two before classes start. There is usually a “meet and greet” session with your child’s teachers and these lists are given to each family. This helps knowing which school supplies are needed and specifics on the brand and colors. Other schools may post the supply list online or retailers in the area have obtained this information from each school. Remember too, that some schools require a donation of such supplies as tissues, paper towels, soap and hand sanitizers along with your child’s individual desk supplies.

Start checking the ads. Before you set out to shop, take a peek at your local newspaper and flyers that get mailed to your home. Look for sales, clip out coupons and make an effort to save some cash.

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Make a reasonable budget. Marketing is a big business and when you go to the stores, you and the kids will see glitz and glamour when it comes to clothing and supplies. The flashier the better to invite the kids! But, parents need to set a budget on what they can afford for this shopping season. Buy only what you need. Deficit spending only works for the government and not for the rest of us!

When is your tax-break holiday? Does your state conduct a sales-tax break some week before school starts? When you are buying for several children the sales tax on school clothing and supplies add up. Check this link to see when your state is holding this event and save a few dollars.

Stockpile basics all year. Whenever you see sales, visit warehouses or dollar stores, this is the time to stock up on basic supplies. Buy paper, pencils, crayons and such in bulk whenever possible. Store them in a big plastic bin and replenish your supply when it gets low. Also, think about pairing up with a friend and shop together for supplies at these warehouses. Share the bulk and share the savings! And remember to take advantage of the “buy one get one free” offers at some retailers.

Reach a clothing compromise. You know how the kids want special logo shirts or designer jeans – the latest fashion trends. Compromise by letting your child pick out one or two special items (within reason) and then fill out the rest of the wardrobe with traditional pieces that can be found at discount stores.

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Consider second hand. Whether it’s clothing or big-ticket items like computers, think about second-hand, store models or a refurbished item. There are many consignment shops around town that can save you a bundle of money.

These are just a few ideas to help with the second-busiest shopping season of the year trailing only by the December holidays.

Source: Personal experience

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