Baby Shower Gifts for a New Father

In recent years, there has been an increase in baby shower gifts for fathers. This article takes a look at gifts and ideas for fathers. Many gifts are geared towards helping the new father with the arrival of the new born. However, some are just for the father to help him through this period of time.

Becoming a father, for the first time, is an awesome experience. Some gifts could be geared towards a first time dad.

One thing that always helps both the baby and the parents is diapers. If you host a party for the new father, diapers can help on the budget and are also very practical. I once attended a diaper and beer party for a new father. It was very informal. However, two dozen packages of disposal diapers can really help out a young couples budget.

Books are a great gift as well. Books on childcare, philosophy, children’s books (bedtime stories), and even novels to get them through the late night hours, are very appreciative.

A backpack or front pack for carrying a baby is a great gift. More and more, you see fathers carrying babies than the mother. These are great because it frees up th hands and arms for carrying other things. They are especially great if you have to walk a long distance.

Tools are a necessity. They are needed for putting together a crib, toys, or other furniture fixtures. Tools are a gift that keep on giving.

A new camera. Okay you might already have one. However, fathers like to have their own personal camera for on the spot pictures. Before you buy, see what type of camera the new father needs.

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A cellphone. Believe it or not, there are many men that do not have a cellphone. With the new addition to the family, a father will want to stay in contact with the mother or daycare. You can combine the cellphone and the camera and make it an ideal gift.

Child birth coaching sessions. These will help the father understand what his spouse is going through and how he can assist her through this process.

Golf accessories are always a good gift. Although these times will be cut short, there will be opportunities at time to get away for a few holes of golf.

A cookbook. One that helps prepare quick meals. With the mother taking care of the baby, dinner preparations will fall to the father. A cookbook with very simple instructions could be very handy.

A “Baby on Board” Sign for his vehicle, warns others about driving too close. It is also a way to advertise that you are a new dad.

Then there are shirts and hats. T-shirts and hats, with the words new dad and father on them, will let him tell the World that he is proud to be a new father.

These are just a few ideas for a new dad. Anything related to a new child will work great.