Azithromycin for a Sore Throat – Side Effects

Ever have a sore throat or an upper respiratory tract infection? Nowadays, a frequently prescribed medication is Azithromycin more commonly known as Zithromax, and most know it as a Z-Pak where you take two pills on day one and then one pill for the remaining four days. While this is a great medication because the compliance is high due to the dosing, once a day for five days there are potential side effects.

According to Wikepedia more common side effects with Azithromycin include gastrointestinal symptoms which may vary from diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting. And less common side effects include serious allergic reactions, nervousness, dermatologic reactions, and fatalities.

My personal experience with Azithromycin was while being treated for a presumed “strep throat,” I developed massive abdominal cramping. At first I was not able to correlate it with the medication since I have taken antibiotics in the past and never had such a reaction. I then developed diarrhea on day three of being on the medication. So now my throat no longer hurt, but my abdominal cramping had worsened I immediately called my physician and was told to stop the medication and that I was having a reaction to it. After two days my symptoms had resolved. Thank goodness.

I encourage anyone that is placed on medications to discuss any possible side effects with their provider prior to leaving their office. Quite honestly I had heard from others that this may be a reaction, but I thought it would not happen to me. After speaking to my physician that particular day he stated that it is not uncommon to have some gastrointestinal disturbances while on Azithromycin.

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Mild diarrhea is usually not a concern but if you develop massive diarrhea then there may be other complications. And as with any medication if you develop a serious reaction such as a skin rash, trouble breathing or swelling of your tongue contact a health care provider immediately.

I was fortunate that my symptoms resolved, however I have learned to make sure I acquire all the information needed for any medication prior to use. I emphasize that everyone do the same.

