AVON Representatives: Ideas on How to Get More Customers

Are you a new Independent AVON Representative looking for new customers? Maybe your an older representative who is stuck in a sudden rut. Getting new customers to increase your customer base and increase sales is very rewarding! But how do you do that? There are several ways to get new customers. For many years AVON Representatives have been sharing old ideas and coming up with new ones on a daily basis. Here are a few ideas to get more customers and get your AVON business up and running full throttle in no time.

Tell Everyone!
The first key to getting new customers is to make everyone you know aware that you are selling AVON! Many people love AVON and love to shop from a catalog. If you friends, family, co-workers and neighbors aren’t aware that you sell AVON they can’t buy it from you!. Call up your friends, family
and neighbors and let them know that you sell AVON. Tell your co-workers as well. Its simple, pick up the phone call you friends and family and say “Hey this is Susan, just wanted to let you know that I am selling AVON now. Would you like me to bring you a free brochure?” The worst thing they can do is say no. It won’t kill you!

Refer a Friend
One great idea for AVON Representatives to get more customers is to simply ask. Ask your current customers if they know anyone who would like a brochure. Chances are everyone knows at least one person who might be interested. Do this one campaign and you can double your customer base. Just get there name and phone number and give them a call. Tell them ” Hi this is Suzy. I am an Independent AVON Representative and your friend Joan is one of my loyal customers. Joan thought you might be interested in a free AVON brochure…..” Its that simple.

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You can also put a flier or a label on every brochure saying “Refer a Friend and get a free gift”. That free gift can be anything from a chap stick, hand lotion or shower gel. You can also use this to get rid of old stock while picking up new customers.

Advertise! If you don’t advertise know one will know that you are an Independent AVON Representative. Advertising doesn’t just mean putting an ad in the paper. That can become very costly. Simply print of fliers or order them online from AVON. Post them at local general stores, grocery stores, on bulletin
boards, announcement boards and every where else that would be appropriate.

Open More “Stores”
Every brochure that you give out is just like a store. In fact the brochures are your store! The more “stores” you have open the more
customers and sales you will get! Hand brochures to everyone you come in contact with. Store clerks, cleaning ladies, teachers, taxi drivers, hair dressers ect.
Every time you go somewhere you have to come in contact with someone. Ask them if they would like a free AVON brochure! You will be surprised at how many people say yes! And even more at how many people actually call.

Share You Business with Other BusinessesOne of the easiest way to get new customers is to approach businesses. Simply go into a new business and ask if they have an AVON representative. If they say no, ask them if they would like a free AVON brochure. You may also want to ask if you can leave a few in the waiting area for their customers. Not only will you possibly get that person as a new customers but chances are you will find that quite a few people will order from that business. Not to mention their customers who find you brochures in the waiting area.

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Doing business with businesses is very convenient because you can pickup the orders all at one time or have a specific person collect the orders for you. Then you can deliver all those orders at one time as well which is easier then going to each of their homes.

Tossing is a very effective way to get new customers. While there is no guarantee how many or how soon you will get them it can reap great rewards as well. Order plenty of brochures or save the current and last 2 campaigns. Place them in whats new bags side ways, tuck the top in the middle of the brochure and go and toss. What is tossing? Just that tossing a brochure. It’s just like the paper boy. Pick a neighborhood and start their. Got down each street tossing a brochure in the drive way. You can toss 100 brochures and get 15 calls or you may not get any. The next time you could go and toss 30 brochures and get 12 calls. It’s a gamble but when you hit the right neighborhoods and strike gold it will be great! Be sure to check local solicitation laws as well as local laws for littering. Some major cities do not allow tossing.

Hang or Knock
Some representatives don’t like to toss because they have had no luck or because their local laws don’t allow it. If you don’t feel comfortable tossing then try to hang or knock! Simply place your brochures in Whats New bags, and pick a street and hang one on each door. You may choose to knock and see if anyone comes to the door. That is a better way to ensure that the brochures gets in hand as well as the fact that you won’t be wasting a brochure if they say no!

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Many AVON Representatives like to get new customers buy doing raffles. This is a great way to also find recruits. Simply make up a nice little gift basket, some tickets and a box to put them in. Ask local area businesses if you can leave a raffle box their for their customers. On the ticket put what the drawing is for and a line for their name, phone number, address and if they already and a representative and if they would like more info on the AVON opportunity.

While this is only a few ideas for getting new representatives the ideas are endless. Check online on the eCommunity boards under New Representatives for more ideas on how to get new customers.
