Avoid Unhealthiest Thai Soups and Salads

Did you know Thai soups and salads become the unhealthiest Thai food items if you have certain health issues? Soups and salads are the main dishes dietitians advice normally when you are put under any type of diet program. Especially when you are having a risk of cardiovascular diseases along with high Blood Pressure, you will be asked to follow a simple diet that includes soups and salads. Beware if you are put in a situation to eat too much of Thai soups and salads and read through this article to know the reason.

Who should avoid Thai soups and salads?

1.People with high BP and cholesterol who are prone to cardiovascular diseases must avoid Thai soups and salads.

2.People with ulcer, digestive disorders and related stomach problems should avoid eating excess Thai soups and salads

Is Thai Coconut Soup Tom Kha Phak unhealthy?

Tom kha phak is the Thai soup made of coconut with other ingredients such as vegetables, chilli oil and fish sauce. Even though this soup has all the healthy vegetables, adding chilli oil and coconut for improving its taste make the dish not suitable for people with cardiovascular and stomach related problems. Coconut is found to be increasing the amount of saturated fat in the body which is not advisable if you are suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Chilli oil induces more fire in your stomach. If you already have ulcer and stomach related problems you should not go near Thai soups. High sodium level in this soup endangers your life if you have high BP.

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Is Tom Yum Gung unhealthy?

Like Tom Kha Phak, the lemongrass soup Tom Yum Gung is said to be affecting people’s health if they are already suffering from high BP and cholesterol. Even though this soup has healthy vegetables, adding cream in it increases the fat. Instead of helping to losing weight, it becomes a problem. Intake of too much Tom Yum Gung may lead to serious cardiovascular and artery disorders.

Is Thai Hot&Sour; Soup unhealthy?

Thai hot and sour soup is bound to be having high sodium level since the taste increases along with the increasing level of sodium. To match with the hot and sour flavor in the soup, it is very important to add more sodium in Thai hot and sour soup. Otherwise the taste and the flavor will go away and there wont be any takers for Thai hot&sour; soup. Are you taking medications for controlling your blood pressure? Do not even think about having a Thai hot&sour; soup.

Why is Thai Veg soup unhealthy?

No one would believe if I say Thai Veg soup is unhealthy. Making the vegetable soup in Thai style stays healthy until you add cream in it. Cream comes as a package of unhealthy ingredients such as calories, fat, sugar and diaries. If the Thai veg soup is taken without adding any sort of cream,it provides nutritional values to your body and to the overall health.

How Thai Salad becomes unhealthy?

Did you know one serving of Thai crunch salad with avocado and peanut dressing has 1279 k calories? Many of us think that the food items full of vegetables are always healthier. We often forget the fact that the supporting ingredients like peanut dressing in Thai salad creates troubles. Especially people with high risk heart diseases must avoid such unhealthy Thai food items.

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Be careful about the ingredients that are added as a support to Thai soups and salads. While dining outside, ask the chef before ordering Thai soups and salads whether they have high sodium and saturated fat that can seriously affect your health. Discuss with your physician whether you should avoid Thai soups and salads.


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